Firstly, sorry that I double posted this. I didn't realise there was a normal discussion part and a workshop part. So...
i've read that the SR125 is meant to have three positions for the choke. Mine only has one and it goes right back in when I let go of it.
So i'm guessing that it's meant to stay out by it's self when working properly? So how would I go about changing it? And is it a complicated job? I'm only 17 and this is my first bike so I've got no clue when it comes to the mechanics of it.
Also, can you leave the choke out and ride the bike at the same time while it gets hot and then just let it back in later? It''s just that it takes me like 10 mins to get that bike on the road, cos i've gotta put all the gear on, then stand there while i hold the choke out and then keep revving it while it warms up. It still usually stalls when I get half way down the road.
Also, anyway I could put the choke on the handlebars?