Everything posted by mits007
Gettin the beers in at the bar .....
- dayyyy-oooo!...
Man! I just cant get this song outta my head - so why dont I share it with all you people!.. I dont believe how early I have woke up thismorning... must have 2 pints of chardonay everyday... here goes... Ahem... (Clears throat... ) day-o... dayyyyy-o daylight come and he wanna go home.... work all night with a drink of rum.. daylight come and he wanna go home.... stack banana till the morning come!... daylight come and he wanna go home.... I say come mister tallyman tally me banana daylight come and he wana go home.. day!... me said day-o.... DAY!.. me said DAYO!... Day!... Me said day - Me said day - Me said day - Me said day - Me said dayyyyyyOOO!.. daylight come and he wana go home.. dum takka dummm takka takkka takkka dum (tring to sing drum beats)
chardonay..... ? ... ?... ?.... ?.... ?
a bottle with chardonay or somet on it... ... tastes like vinegar so me crackes the bottle open sod the wine glass (why when you jus get it toppued up again and again) so me got my stella glass (1 pint one)... this stuff is lethal!,,, 2 pints... I'm f*%&£(")$)!,,,,, ]] I love you all xxxxxxxxxx aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...................
Got the first one (brown glass) which was slightly cracked, so i took it back for a replacement, he gave me a replacement and was going to throw the cracked one away - I cheekily asked him if he could throw it in my direction.... So there I have 2 glasses (1 cracked) Then took the cracked one to another Mc donalds, said the same, and they gave me a brown replacement, I asked for another colour, and the cracked one - got it back!.. (If you dont ask, you dont get do you <_< ) Finally went to another mcdonalds and said the same story, but there all I was given was a swap :-( By the way - I did this all in the space of an hour... So - 1 meal got me a brown, blue & purple glass. Had another meal a while back and got the green one, - I then asked if I could swap my blue one (as it looked like the purple one) for the turquise, got the turquoise, and kept hold of the blue one (i was at the drive-thru) and just asked if she could let me keep it - smiling sheepishly.. And guess what?... she did?!?!.. bizarre what you can get for being cheeky.. then finally, got one from a workmate for bringing a curry in for her!... ALL 6.... taadaa!... 6 glasses from 2 meals... (Lets not worry about the petrol!.. ) Now then, what shall I get obsessed about next?!?!..
I just got the 6th cola can glass by doing a swap... wooooooooohooooooooo!
These any good?
Any1 bought any of these?... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Yamaha-Dragstar-XVS-...id=p3286.c0.m14 cheers, -Mits-
xvs650 tank decals...
well the ones on mine are under the lacqer... was toying with either getting some more like them or these silver ones which go on top of the lacqer...
xvs650 tank decals...
As you may already know, my baby has a dent on her tank - (Left hand side at where the decal is) Can any1 recommend where I can get replacement decals from?... scooted around on ebay - and i noticed you can get the silver dragstar ones from hon kong for abt. £6. - however these will go on after lacquer - the original ones are under the lacqer - any recommendations?... presumably in usng the silver ones, you'd have to bend them (using a hair dryer or something?) to avoid them coming off at the edges?... regards, -Mits-
removing fuel tank XVS 650
Ttaskmaster/ Cov_Al: Thanks for all the help - will be taking the tank off this weekend, once again, greatly appreciated!.. will let you know how i get on with it.... regards, -Mits-
Gutted - dented fuel tank
Nope... in neutral... What a dope.... Wont be doing that again.... :-( I've been quoted £160 for a fill up and re-spray/laquer of the fuel tank ... Seems a bit pricey... Can any1 recommend any1?.... preferably near preston - am willing to hand carry my tank say - 30 miles radius?... regards, -Mits-
removing fuel tank XVS 650
Hi there, I need to remove the fuel tank on my baby after dropping her after carelessly parking her on a slope - *Sighs* Having a quick look, I can see 2 bolts on either side (At the tail of the teardrop tank) presumably, these will allow me to lift the tank?... Presumably I need to detach the speedo clock first?... I'll be doing this for the first time, so any tips or pointers or anything to watchout for would be gratefully appreciated.... many thanks, -Mits-
Gutted - dented fuel tank
Thanks, but I was thinking of getting it resprayed again, so really need some1 to knock the dent out and re-spray .... Any one?... I think I'm gonna cry :-(
Gutted - dented fuel tank
Absolutely gutted - parked my bike at the hairdressers, (on a slope) and as I opened the door, the bike slowly rolled forwards, off the side stand and met the floor. snapped clutch handle and a painful dent on the fuel tank - absolutely gutted. Any1 know anyone local - Preston (Lancshire) area where I could get my dragstars fuel tank filled and restored?.. its a flat matt black colour - will try and post some pics - man I'm sooo depressed - I think I'd rather have broken a limb Can any1 help me please?... many thanks, -Mits-
Woke up this morning, had to move my brothers car from the driveway, then my younger Bro's car, (as they're both staying over for a while) then open the garage, get the bike out - (Just as well as I had turned it around yesterday) wheeled it down the driveway and fired it up, no probs, starts like a dream helmet on, ready to go on goes my left glove, on goes the right glove - nearly - nearly, owch... my finger,, (the lining in the glove was partially inside out) fumbling like no tomorrow - bikes starts to rev a bit high - so in goes the chalk, visor steams up, "come on you b"££$$£%" by this time - me = fuming... I took my glove off, pulled the lining inside out, threw my glove on the floor stood on my glove ripped off the lining... Now I regret it... - At least I've got a removable inner liner - that I can wash....
- Bloody weather
wot is the best yamaha of all time
even though I got an xvs650, I loved my cousins Gladiator (in India) Bloody great fun!... http://auto.indiamart.com/motorcycles/yama.../#gladiator-std yes - lots of cutbacks for the market, but real good fun!..... Can you believe - I've seen a farmer towing his bullock to the vet on one of these!.... (err. thats the bullock on a trailer).. hmm seeing a bullock on the back seat would be something now wouldn;t it?... :-)
N - N - N - Near Miss...
The thing is, even on a bike which I would say is "big" how can any1 miss you?!?!... I womder whether the sun was to blme as the sun was behind me so the cars windscreen was probably full of glare..
N - N - N - Near Miss...
Had a near miss last night from work Was riding thru' freckleton going home. There is this slight bend to the right, (no more than 20° I'd say). On the inside of the bend, there is a newsagents where there was a car parked. An oncoming car is ovrtaking the parked car, at which point the driver of the parked car gormlessly opens the door, the overtaking car consequently swerves into my lane (Narrow lanes) I have to nearly swerve onto the footpath, If I didnt swerve as much as I did, - well, it would have been nasty... bloody gormless driver!...
Royal Enfield Bullet
just make sure you're not in the side car!.... I saw mylife flash before my eyes when I was in one of them!... never ever ever ever ever again!....
Royal Enfield Bullet
he he he!... There was this milkman on an old bike in india, & he had these stainless steel pails at the sides, a big bushy moustache (the ones that curl up) and was wearing a loincloth (Similar to Mahatma Ghandhi) he couldn't have sat any more bow legged!... anyway, I was passing him and he decided to just sway into my path, I whacked his pails, and then his right knee due to his weird riding position. the funny thing was, his loincloth got caught and I managed to rip a huge chunk of his clothing off... He was not impressed (especially as I was smirking)... I decided to pay him off as I could see he was ready to take his sandals off and use them as a weapon on me.. (Maybe I should've had a chase?!?!?) I wish I did now, but then again, he might've took off with my cousins bike!... regarding the bugs, well they were nice and crispy.... - you just learn to squint or wear sun glasses and keep your trap shut!... some people wear a small scarf around the mouth and nose, or even a welding visor!... (with a clear glass panel) but looked a bit geeky for my liking so I just had some shades on and clamped my mouth!... Yeah, I was looking into buying an enfield at first, but after riding a kawasaki eliminator in India, I fell in love with that laid back riding position!... tried a sports bike, (Hero-Honda Karisma) but just didn't find it comforable... regards, -mits-
How many spokes in an XVS650 Rear Wheel
how are the new spokes?.....
V-star - dragstar - V-star - Dragstar?... :unsure:
yeah, insurance companies stiff you on imports!.. I was about to buy a Honda Shadow Steed. It was a Jap import and even though the UK equivalent had a bigger engine, I was quoted over a half more!... Sounded bloody good though!... But - but but but!.. I'm so glad I waited and bought this baby!...
sh1t! you just reminded me!... I still need to send of my license for adding the big bike category!...
Congratulations mate!.. I managed to just squeeze my test in before the alleged change in test. Great feeling isn't it!..