Everything posted by Annihilator236
all i can say is.... WOW! that is awesome work man, if i had even a bit of the skill you have my DT project might not be so bad after all
DT125r Aftermark Graphics?
I am still looking in vain for DT125R decals. the problem is that my bike has red plastics . i would get black or blue plastics but i jus cant find them anywhere. jus the odd panel on ebay!
'93 dt125r wire harness
mucho respecto to you man, i was considering building my own but after looking at the wire diagram i was put of a bit. what type of wire are you using? and do you propose to use the original connectors? you see i am new to the rebuilding thing. this was my first project. everything mechanical i am fine with but its the electrics that is wall i've hit. bloody nightmare. its been four years since she was last running and i suppose i have lost a bit of patience with it, time to refocus my attention. gonna have to check out yer pics as you post em jus to follow your lead. rob
'93 dt125r wire harness
cheers for that link man! this site is ace! hopefully i should get my wee baby running sweet again. thanks again
Instruments on a yz?
i was wondering how i would go about attaching instruments to my 01 yz250. i i was hoping to use the yamaha cable speedo instead of the digi type thing i keep seeing but i will go with whatever is available. if anyone has advice, i am willing to listen.
'93 dt125r wire harness
hi, i was wondering if there was anyone out there who may be able to point me in the right direction to find a wire harness. maybe you have one for sale. i'm trying to rebuild my first bike and my wife has cracked the whip on spending to much on her. she is almost complete but the harness is so tatty. it has been spliced into so many times its hard to tell what is what. please help! rob
super moto wheels 4 a dt 125 r 2001
i was thinking about turning my dtr to a dtx but surely there is more to it than a wheel swap? do you need the uprate the supension? bigger/smaller rotors front/back? different front forks in regards to the caliper position changing? can anyone help with the finer points to this conversion? it would be ace getting my wee pride and joy back on the road
lack of power dt125
well to get the speed up on my dt i had to play about with the yvps (powervalve) setting about half open to keep a decent top speed. i could get about 80 from her but that was also with knobblies too. hope this is of some use dude