Everything posted by G Beale
looking at a 1985 fz750
As above 35K is nothing if oil has been changed regularly. One of mine is showing 54k & the bores, cam lobes etc all mint when I removed the head last year. valve clearances are critical on them or power loss, poor starting/running will occur. Generally hardy old things with plenty of character & decent performance for an old bike. Suspension could well be past its best by now so check rear shock & front fork action. This is my forum dedicated to the FZ750 here, http://fz750.proboards.com/index.cgi it's not been running long (1 week in fact) but getting a steady flow of visitors & people joining every day. Would be nice to see you on there.
Fazer Follies
Don't know about the FZX but the FZ750 gives similar problems when the side stand switch becomes faulty. If your Fazer has one you could try bypassing it to see if the cutting out problem stops.
TRX 850 Callipers(front)
Just watch the banjo bolt mounts on blue spots. R6/1 have the bolt on the side, Thundecat/ace on top (I think ?). I used R1 on my TRX but they twisted the lines more than the standard callipers when bolted up. If you have fixed ends on your lines this could be a problem. Think most Yamaha's from early 90's had 100mm bolt spacing for calliper mounts so you should be spoilt for choice. Blue spots are a good upgrade if used along with the master cylinder from the same bike. You will get a better response regards your "wanted" parts if you post in the "wanted" section. I'm not going to pm you on the off chance you want an after market top fairing with exup lights or a black seat unit just in case you don't... . . do you ?
trx850 full fairing
Best bet is to join this forum; http://trx850.motomaniac.net/forum/ & use the search button a lot. I viewed one a few years back with Aprilia RSV fairing lowers fitted. Didn't look too bad. Probably best to use fairing from a narrow bike ie V twin or another parallel twin. Anything is possible, just depends how much effort you are prepared to put in. Can't say I'm keen on full fairing for the TRX. Bikini top & a short belly pan looks perfect to me. Bit like the one in my avatar.
1985 FZ 750 rebuild
Hello agfz750, Why not start a restoration thread like Kevin has with pictures of your progress (once you start restoring that is). Don't expect a huge response on here though, my thread was on here for months without a reply so I deleted it. I hope Kevin doesn't mind the odd deviation on his. I am guilty of posting pictures of one of my bikes above, sorry Kev. As the owner of 3 FZ's (2 runners & 1 spares bike) I have found that good quality panels are by far THE most difficult item to locate. there are several forums dedicated to the FZ, the best ones being FZ750.com & FZ750.net (my opinion not fact). They aren't as busy as some forums but the dozen or so regular users can be very helpful in solving running problems & modification queries. The bikes you will find on there are of all standards from rough non runners to immaculately restored & anything in between so don't be shy, get over to the FZ750.com site & register now ! You will thank me when you do. I'm Graham on there & can help you with posting pictures as the format is a bit dated. See you on the other side soon I hope ?
Delete account?
Just stop using it, what's the worse that could happen ?
1986 FZ600 starting problem
"ignition" switch to some. I would be checking ALL connectors from ignition switch to battery & anything inbetween. Something is loose for sure.
1987 FZ 750
FZ750 is know for having very good fuelling as standard so maybe your bike has been jetted for a performance air filter &/or exhaust then had the original items refitted or you have performance items fitted with standard fuelling ? aftermarket exhausts are known to mess with the power curve on the FZ giving flat spots as you have described. Would seem that your air/fuel mixture is at fault if the problem is less evident in cold weather ? Dyno jet kit might help to smooth out your power delivery ?
fzr600 genesis running problem
I would start with the easy stuff like a new set of plugs, check HT leads, plug caps etc but suspect your carbs will need stripping down & cleaning properly if it hasn't been started & used regurlarly in the last 6 years.
My new toy
Very tidy. Still have a soft spot for these as my first brand new bike was an F reg' DTR & I loved it. Must be one of the longest unchanged production runs ever but when a bike is this good, why change it ?
- help
- 1987 FZ750 thing
My yzf750R7replica
I've got to say this is one of the most tastefully modified sport bikes I have seen in a long time. Out of the question for my old FZ unfortunately but if ever there was a reason for buying a YZF then this must be it ! I prefer it "with" the Yamaha decals but other than that, would not change a thing about it.. . . except for maybe the owner.
Ian I can't help with performance mod's & I'm guessing you are fairly clued up regards the FZR top end mod from the sound of things but I can help with the front forks/brakes. The yokes fom an 87-88 FZR1000 Genesis (pre exup) will bolt straight to your FZ head stock & give you a much wider range of forks/wheel/brakes combination to choose from. As you know the FZ has thin 39mm forks, a 16" front wheel & single piston calpiers fitted as standard. With the FZR yokes fitted to my FZ I now have 41mm FZR600 foxeye forks which allow for R1 blue spot calpiers or any of the later Yamaha calipers with 100mm bolt spacings. This also means you can fit a 17" front wheel from a TRX850/FZR600 etc giving a wider choice of tyre. Rear end is the same story with the 1000 Genesis arm slotting straight in allowing for the wider wheel & 160 rear tyre. Are you sure you want more performance ? I'm told that with the 1000cc pistons, carbs etc fitted to the FZ you should see in excess of 125bhp & close to 160mph depending on gearing ! I would be tempted to rebuild the cylinder head, get the carbs jetted correctly & fit a decent FZR1000 exhaust. that should be good enough to open several cans of whoopass on any number of youngsters I would have thought ? I look forward to pictures of your progress which ever route you take. FZ's are so cool, even in standard form.
Cheers for that, I guessed right for once. Not sure thee would be room for all the bikes I've ever owned.
Not really a problem, more of a queery. Where it says "bikes" under my/your/our user names in the profile bit to the left of our posts, I have just listed the bikes I own right now but notice some people seem to list every bike they have ever owned from day 1. Which is it ?
DT125r Deristrictions and Mods
I bought one of the 1st DT125R's back in the day on an F plate. F820 XAB as I recall. There was a huge washer with a tiny hole in the neck of the down pipe which I removed. Also turned the valve into the fully opened position & locked it in place as the electronic version wasn't readily available in this country then. I fitted a KX250 tail pipe to the standard front pipe & with these few mods it would accelerate on dirt quicker than my mates CR125 & topped out (on the road with standard gearing) at 90mph ! My mate next to me in his car had to tell me my speed as the standard DTR speedo only went up to 80mph as I recall ? Car was indicating 95mph but they all over read so we settled for 90mph genuine speed. There was a huge flat spot at low revs as you can imagine so I just used to cane the nuts off it everywhere I went, problem solved ! I would have another for a bit of fun but I'm 39 now & probably a good 3 stone heavier than I was then.
Gas Tank Rust Cleaning
Windscreen glass is no good these days as they are all laminated using 2 pieces of "plate" glass which cracks but doesn't shatter. You need a door glass or rear window. I'm a glass fitter. I've heard that vinegar is good for removing rust so the aquarium gravel & loads of vinegar would get my vote. If you decide on using "toughened" glass I would advise that you wash it 1st to remove all the really small particles. You still get teeny weeny bits with it & they will be a nightmare to get rid of. Good luck & let us know how you get on as this crops up a lot on other forums too.
Tundercat tank grips
I think I replied to you on the MCN forum mate but the universal stompgrip is fine if none is listed for your model. You can trim it to suit but I bought it for my TRX & just stuck the lot on.
86 fz 750
1st off, an excellent choice for a resto project mate. Spares are getting a bit thin on the ground these days but you could do a lot worse than to register on the FZ750.com forum or the FZ750.net one (if you haven't already ?) where you will find many FZ freaks from all over the world who will be more than willing to offer advice & support concerning your FZ. I have 2, 1 to restore & 1 for spares but will probably restore both ! FZR1000 Genesis barrels, pistons, head, carbs, exhaust & ignition bolted to your FZ bottom end is a good performance upgrade or you could just strip the FZ mill, rebuild & enjoy it for what it is, a damn good bike. Personally I would be looking to upgrade the 80's suspension & brakes before improving the bikes performance. Got any pictures you could post on here ? Good luck with it, Graham. Edit; just looked on the FZ750.com forum, you wouldn't be gaz69 on there by any chance would you ?
1985 FZ 750 rebuild
Sorry Kevin I forgot I have a different user name on here, think Graham was taken. I will update my thread on the FZ forum when I get chance but here's 2 pictures to give you an idea of how mine will look. Frame is painted black now & I have a complete front end ready to go on with new bearings & all. getting a lot of satisfaction from working on my FZ but it's all stop for now whilst I wait on the engine from Glenn. Keep up the good work your end.
1985 FZ 750 rebuild
Kev I'm flat out on the FZ these last 2 weeks as work has gone a bit slack. Not too bothered, it always picks up & it gives me chance to make some much needed progress. I made a sub-frame from box section for my TRX seat unit last week & welded it to my modified FZ frame this week. It took me all of Wednesday & most of Thursday to weld all the brackets, nuts, lugs etc to it for stuff like expansion botle, brakefluid reservoir, seat catch, rear light, & of course the seat unit itself. Well worth it though, it looks like it was meant to be there now (well i think so). Having camera problems at the minute but will post pics on the FZ foum when I'm sorted. TRX is going back to factory stuff as the FZR forks, wheel & R1 brakes are going on the FZ. Just trying to find some clip ons that suit the FZR top yoke now as FZ ones don't fit very well. I'm sure it will all be worth it in the end ? I have more recent stuff on the camera but struggling to get it from there to my pc.
1985 FZ 750 rebuild
Excellent work Kevin, getting much inspiration from you & your bike so thank you & thanks for your help & advice on the FZ750.com forum too.
i need to remove a rounded nut
I will be amazed if he can get a pair of stillsons on any of his head bolts, they're huge man ! Those are the same or similar spanners I've got in gas up let's go's link, super wrench.
i need to remove a rounded nut
There are self adjusting spanners you can buy which grip tighter the harder you push on them. I have a set of 5 different sizes which I use for stuff that's realy badly rounded off and they never fail even on nuts that are completely round ! If you can get a normal spanner on the nut in question then one of these jobbies should go on ok. I just wish I could remember their proper name so you know what to look for, sorry.