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donny o

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Everything posted by donny o

  1. donny o posted a post in a topic in Classics
    Looking for a new front fender for my 74 DT 125--it is silver/grey (plastic) and in shabby shape. Can't seem to find one in any better shape than mine. Any advice on where to get new one? Or can I paint the one I've got---and if so what kind of paint? Thanks a lot!
  2. donny o posted a post in a topic in Classics
    Looking for a tune up kit--points, condenser, etc for 74 dt 125 and am having a hard time finding on-line. This bike in general has been this way for everything. Is there a better way to search on Ebay for this bike than I am doing? Or are there any good on-line parts stores out there for vintage stuff? I have tried NW Vintage Cycle but its not that great. Any tips would be appreciated. Thanks!
  3. donny o posted a post in a topic in Classics
    Getting my 74 dt 125 together and starts very easily and idles like a champ but now that the snow has melted off around here I took it up the driveway out of my shop and she starts off ok--in first gear but as I get going and giving it more gas it bogs big time--actually totally cuts out until I let up the throttle. Is this just carbeuration or is there something else text-book here I should know about bogging out under a load? Appreciate any help. Thanks!
  4. donny o posted a post in a topic in Classics
    Replacing piston rings on 1974 DT 125 and all the sets I've found on Ebay are 2 or 3 sizes over. I don't think I need bigger rings--but how do I really know? I have the manual and it explains measuring the cylinder--but I am still confused. I just wonder what's the simplest way to find out what size I do need? And why aren't the standard sets out there? They are all oversized. Thanks
  5. donny o posted a post in a topic in Classics
    Am restoring 74 Dt 125 and it has a compression release---the valve at the head with cable and little lever. Looks aftermarket to me. I have Yamaha factory manual and the Clymer manual and neither mentions this as a part or evenan accessory. I understand what compresion release is--or thought I did--and can't see why a dinky 125 two stroke would have it. It occured to me maybe for the electric start. I have the incorrect battery--very weak power, but good enough to check my so far electrical connections--it will almost turn the motor over but just one or two chugs and that's it. But with the little lever engaged it turns over great--but no spark --cus no compression. I guess I don't understand compression release--my old XR200 has it engage as the kick starter is cranked--and I remember a cousin's big XR 600 had a manual lever that was stock and he had to use it to kick over ole thumper. I can't find anything in my manuals to explain exactly how it works. I guess I really want to know if it was an option or accessory for the old 74 DT or was it added on?? And Why?? I have an identical parts bike with the plug in the cylinder head--as the mamual shows. Would LOVE some enlightenment on this. I have learned way more on this web site than any manual I ever had. Am hoping for some more luck. Thanks a lot!
  6. donny o posted a post in a topic in Classics
    Anyone know if these aftermarket turn signals on Ebay are any good? They are around 20 bucks for all four. Seems too good to be true. I guess I would like to avoid anything aftermarket anyway but having trouble finding these for my 1974 DT 125. Any advice where to get them?
  7. donny o posted a post in a topic in Classics
    Am attempting to replace my fork seals 1974 dt 125A-- and ordered from Dennis Kirk--Parts Unlimited brand. I removed the old ones--only they were kind of baked in--and came out in tiny bits and peices--so nothing to compare new ones to. The ones I have aren't going in. The manual says tap then in and seat them with a big socket--but these babies aren't gonna go---Unless there is something I don't know about installing them. Are the Parts Unlimited ones bogus? Yamaha wants $29.00 Apeice--and as much as I like the ole DT--I don't like it that much. I just hoped to get cheaper fork seals or some advice on how to install them. It's a really tight fit, right? Anywhere besides Yamaha or Dennis Kirk to get the seals. I've looked on Ebay but nothing I can find. Just want to get this front end back together now--so any help is Really Appreciated. THANKS!
  8. donny o replied to donny o's post in a topic in Classics
    Quite a while--a year at least.. Where exactly is the crankshaft seal? Does the seal go bad from sitting or does the bike smoke from sitting?
  9. donny o posted a post in a topic in Classics
    I have a 1974 dt 125 and have power to the back of the horn--then a pink wire runs up to the button--where I guess you ground it when you push the button.. I a bit dim when it comes to electricity---but no sound from the horn. I have cleaned all the parts of the button and made sure it's making contact.. Anyone know how I would test the horn itself to see if it the problem? Do they go bad? Can you just jumper wire to it to activate it? I have tried a couple things but still silent. I appreciate any help. Thanks!
  10. donny o posted a post in a topic in Classics
    Got my 74 dt 125 running but pretty smokey--white smoke. So is that too lean? Everything seems to be working okay--but I really don't know how you test the autolube oil pump. I check all the adjustments per manual but still don't really know if it's getting the oil needed. I want to keep it stock --as in I don't want to pre-mix. Just wondered if anyone knows how to diagnose smoke and if there is a test of some sort to see if oil pump is working . Thanks!
  11. donny o replied to donny o's post in a topic in Classics
    Yes--but quite simply--where on the starter switch--there are two studs with nuts--which one do I hook the positive battery cable to???
  12. donny o posted a post in a topic in Classics
    Recently got a 74 dt125a and no battery and cables not hooked up to anything. I have brand new battery fully charged and the negative or ground cable is easy--but the positive cable is my problem. I even have the original Yamaha factory service manual and wiring diagram but it's somewhat vague--at least for me.. There is the Starter Switch--to which the green wire from the starter dynamo (from the contact points) is attached at one of the studs with washer and nut.. The positive is actually split into two parts--one red wire going into the big wire harness but the second part is a connector looking to be connected to I think the starter switch. But Where? When I ground the negative cable, the neutral light comes on but no spark. Just wonder what the posive battery cable connector is supposed to do. Again--the battery is good. I have a tester. And what is the Main Switch that I see in the manual??
  13. donny o posted a post in a topic in Classics
    Can anyone tell me where the positive cable goes from the battery. I believe its the starter switch--but which nut--the one where the green wire from the points or the other one? Had some kind of power but starter just clicked a little. Any ideas?
  14. I have a 1974 dt125a (Maroon and #444-000480) and have been reading all these posts in the vintage forum and see a lot of things about starting the bike with and without battery and whether it's battery type or magneto. What's the first thing to do to know which one you have? And if it is a battery type, do I need battery to get spark?? No ignition key and no battery right now. Thanks a lot!
  15. donny o replied to donny o's post in a topic in Classics
    I guess I wasn't clear enough. It is maroon and the # is 444-000480
  16. donny o posted a post in a topic in Classics
    Just got a 1974 dt 125---or so I think-- it says 6/73 on the neck but my research so far says its a 74 dt and not a 73 at3. Am told if its maroon its a 74. It says Enduro 125 on the right side muffler. Any enlinghtening responses on this continuing mystery?? It's driving me crazy so any help is useful. But Anyway---there is a button on the right handle bar right below the RUN and OFF switch that says START. Does this bike have electric start? If so, where is the starter motor? I know I can look it up in a service manual but still need to nail down what year this bike is so I can get the right manual.. Does anyone besides Clymer make one? What did they use back in 1974 at the dealer? It does have the high front fender by the way. Is there a model difference between the low street fender and the high one? I would really really appreciate any help on any of this. Thanks a lot!
  17. donny o posted a post in a topic in Classics
    Just got an Enduro 125 marked 6/73 on the neck. Is this a 1973 at3 or a 1974 dt125? I'd appreciate any help. Also is there any good places for parts for this bike besides Ebay? Thanks!