Everything posted by shed hermit
xj600 takes ages to start
dont hold the starter on for too long, 10-15 seconds at a time and give it a chance too cool a bit or you could burn it out, starters take a lot of power hence the heavy wires. clean out the carbs anyway and check the float heights, it wont do any harm and gives peace of mind. also look at the fuel flow to the carbs as there might be a blockage/kinked pipe. hopefully its something simple. good luck.
leaking tank
cheers mate will do and goff swears at everything anyway
xj600 takes ages to start
i would look at the carbs if the bike has been laid up for a while with the petrol in it as the petrol forms crystals after a while, also look at the condition of the air filter as if the air cant get in it wont carry the fuel to the cylinders.
leaking tank
hi folks i have a tank that is leaking in several places (i think) and the previous owner has masked up with some sort of resin. i havent looked at whats behind the resin so i dont no what it is like, i was just wondering if anybody has used any of the tank sealer products on the market and if so what were the results? this option would be much cheaper than sourcing and buying a new tank that might also have the same problem. thanks
81 sr250 help please
my brother-in -law has the same problem with a '93 sr250. he has changed everything and it would go for a while and stop. turns out it might be the pick up coil. got another one and im going to pick up his bike at the weekend (300 mile round trip) and fit it then. i will let you know how i get on.
private number plates
hi folks, a quick question. i have two bikes with northern ireland plates on them. is there any way i can register the bikes on the mainland and keep the plates on them? i phoned the DVLA a while back and the guy was very helpful basically he didnt have a clue. the thing is they are private plates in the north, *** 750 and *** 7337 it would be a shame to give them up. any ideas? thanks
dt 175 for sale
found this bike for sale if anyone is intrested. i cant get the link to work but here is the address. (not my bike) http://www.donedeal.ie/for-sale/motorbikes/858411
exhaust modifications
i dont know about passing an mot with big slots and holes in the end of the can,, would probably depend on where you go for an mot, and whether the guy is deaf or not. he might be deaf after it
exhaust modifications
you may have to re-jet the carbs as more air out=more air in=weaker mixture. i made new cans for my triumph and they gave me a big flat spot mid-range and were too loud. i then reduced the outlet slightly which got rid of the flat spot and some of the noise and got away with moving the needles up a notch or two. i only made the cans as the old ones were knackered anyway, if yours are good is it worth cutting them?
new baby
the clock says it got 22,000 on it but i dont know if this is right. the guy i bought it from had it sitting a couple of years and the guy before that was the same. the disks and footpeg rubbers are like new so it might not be far away. do you know if there are cups on top of the valves that are adjusted by inserting shims? i havent had time to look yet and i need to get a manual.cheers
new baby
will do drewpy. i had her running last night and i thought i could hear a slight ticking from the rear head, was hard to hear without exhausts. going to strip her down to paint the frame and i will do the heads when the engine is out. the engine wont be to heavy will it ???? might try and get a couple of pictures of her tonight if i can make room in the shed.
new baby
hi folks got myself a new project last night, a honda vf750f, she is running and all there. it needs a full new exhaust, fork seals and maybe a tank. the headers are totally rotten so i will make new ones unless i find some cheap, the tank is in good shape with no dents but it was leaking at some time and has been patched (but i dont no how well) apart from that everything is there and all the lights are working, pretty good shape for a 25 year old bike.
How far over?
just take it to where you feel comfortable, but knobbly tires are really ment for grip off road and are not the best on tamac (especially wet, i have the knee to prove it) as for them being new tyres, with any new tyre you have to scuff it in to give it a better grip.
What makes a streetfighter?
hey your female after all i will stick around until you DELETE me as you can see by now i was just giving foamy a bit of advice so he didnt buy a pig in a poke or even hurt himself on a dangerous bike, he is only young and if sombody had gave me advice in buying a bike at his age i may be a richer man today. YOUR APOLOGY IS ACCEPTED
What makes a streetfighter?
i agree foamy as can be seen from the start basically i was saying to watch out if you buy one as there are some people that just put them together in the same way some people "cut and shut" cars, i know how much work (and money) can go into a bike to do it right but others (0.1%) just do the cosmetics and sell on. good luck with your project.
What makes a streetfighter?
Now you're getting it Goff 22 years of pretty much the same Has the word "Moderator" under her name Which means she too can be a clever fucker - its called the DELETE button hey what happened to freedom of speech? i joined this forum to recieve advice/points of veiw as well as give it, not to be cursed at like some sort of dummy.
What makes a streetfighter?
quick mental note to myself "must learn to think and not make stupid statements" shedhermit 27 years working on and riding bikes B.eng in civil eng.
What makes a streetfighter?
hi goff, pleased to meet you. do you have a tooth coming in or somthing???you sound a little ratty. i didnt mean to disrespect "streetfighters" i was making the point that some people do this because it can be cheaper and easier than trying to locate (and finance) original parts. as for the HPI checks if a bike is only third party and no other vehicles were involved in any accident then the insurance company may have no knowledge of the damage sustained to the bike hence the before and after photos.
What makes a streetfighter?
personally i would be wary of buying a streetfighter as it usually has a reason for being built (or re-built) like that, ie has it been smashed? although some may only have been on thier side and smashed the fairings and it is easier and cheaper to fighter them. if you are going to build one take some pictures of before and after and keep all the parts that you take of, this may help if you decide to sell it later.
hate to loose!
had a nice blast with a smug porsche 911 git showing of to his blonde passenger one night. i was two-up on a suzi 400 slingshot. the look on his face 5 miles down the road when he passed me standing having a fag was good. throw in a good road with a bit of traffic and the car wont stand a chance.
xj600 exhaust
a repair in the middle of the exhaust wont affect the MOT as long as it is not leaking and fixxed securely. they look at the silencer to see if it is road legal i.e. has a baffle of some sort to cut down the noise rather than a straight through pipe. the silencer/end can must be stamped, having said that i put the triumph through an MOT in northern ireland with cans i made myself and they didnt say anything,(very loud cans) and these test centres are goverment ran as opposed to the mainland uk where its the shops/garages that test them.
might do that. do you know if the honing tools in machine mart are any good?
havent looked. as i say the bike is an ongoing (and ongoing) project and i seen this number and tried it for the laugh (which i did). the bike was running fine when i bought it and i only want to do things once hence the rebore.
i could finnish the bike for the differance in prices. do some of these places just think up a price and double it?
i live in donegal and it would probably be cheaper to bring them over there myself than take them to dick turpin in dublin. i can remember getting a rebore , piston and rings for an old AR125 (that ate them regulary) for about £25 when i lived in scotland, mind you that was not yestarday. anyway i dont need it just yet as the bike is stripped and the frame is getting fadricated for footrests, single seat ect. thanks for the reply OG. cheers.