Everything posted by shed hermit
NW 200 on-line
here is the link for the racing. http://www.bbc.co.uk/northernireland/nw200/ i think it is on here live tommorow heading up today and the sun is shining
out today?
just looked up the met. office and it says rain on saturday in colerane but they never get it right. in all the years ive been going (last 13 or so) it has only really rained once, all the rest of the time ive been sunburned got the digs sorted and going up on friday
road racing tonite
irish road racing on tonight BBC1 NI 10.35 just to let you know.
whistle blower party
i agree that each country should run itself but will they manage? scotland has the whisky industry but most of the price of a bottle is tax and goes to the revenue and distributed around the UK. then there is the oil indistry which is the same. ireland gave away its rights to any oil found of the irish coast-if you find it you keep it. that said there are many other countries around europe that manage fine on thier own.
whistle blower party
who would invade the UK anyway? there is f%$k all left!! and the only reason they are worried about terrorists is because the british and american goverment terrorise every other country! has there been any terror al-quaeda attacks in say sweden? switzerland? norway?....... they are that busy telling every other country that they invade how to do things that their one country has gone to the dogs. VOTE SHED HERMIT and i will put in the management of tesco as my cabinet (lets face it they are the only company making money at the minute)
out today?
put the bike back together this morning and went to portrush. sun was splitting the trees (after 3 weeks of rain). they are getting the track ready for next weekend YEE-HA!!! big police presence, the word is out that drewpy is coming over and they are taking no chances
whistle blower party
your right i am in ireland but i cant become a TD as i am scottish! as for your banner for "english independance" scotland has wanted rid of england for a long time (just kidding mate)
whistle blower party
is this the start of an election battle???? better tell SKY NEWS
whistle blower party
by passing an act of law this is just like overturning the present law to the old one when you could ride a 250 on a provisional.
whistle blower party
i will see what i can do foamy but by election time you will have passed your test
whistle blower party
with all the negative things being said about all the MPs at the minute (poor souls), if i was to run for parliment here is my election campaign: WHISTLEBLOWING: get elected and tell the world about the corruption that goes on by our Right Honourable members. CRIME: when given a jail sentence that sentence must be served in full; that means you dont get out for good behavior your in there for bad behavior! PRISON OVERCROWDING: simple, if the cell holds 2 CRIMINALS at the moment then you can put six in it . 2 are asleep, 2 are watching telly in a big hall (no tv in the cell) and the other 2 are lifting litter/scraping chewing gum from pavements while chained together. this is done on an 8 hour shift each (the same hours that the taxpayer works to keep the scum) SEX OFFENDERS: i would keep the register but this will be displayed on their forehead in the form of a tatoo. IMMIGRATION: all imigrants must fend for themselves (no hand outs) if not and they commit a crime then the above applies before being deported in a shipping crate the same way they arrived (no flights home) thats just the start would you vote for me?
ferry tips
hi drewpy any time i traveled they supplied the straps and you can tie the bike down yourself or they will do it -just like the reply stated. make ssure the forks/shock is well compressed though cause it sea can get a bit choppy in the middle. you say the boat takes 2 hours this means your on the slow boat, if it was the fast boat, seacat HSS then go on the boat last as its not as bumpy at the arse end. what is it your coming over for again???
freedom of speech
just wondering what your thoughts are on this subject have you heard about the american DJ that is banned from the UK by the home secetary as he speaking his mind on various issues like same sex marriage, illegal imigration ect.? i know he has said things about autistic kids ect. that i dont think is right but how many comediens have told jokes on these subjects and are not put on a list of murderers and terrorists? will a terrorist be allowed in if he is mute??? i thought the UK allowed freedom of speech? look out the thought police are coming!!!
cookstown 100 road races
i didnt know it was on either, i found out from another site. you think you can ride a bike till you see these crazy b£$%@*&ds!!!!
cookstown 100 road races
the races are about to start on BBC 1 northern ireland at 10.15pm if anyone is intrested. ye-ha the start of the season on tv
Just a quickie.....
good luck with the exams goff im flat out here studying aswell. my exams are about the same time but ive got a load of assingments and drawings to hand up this week. let us know how you get on
scaryy as.....
"Perhaps english should have been added to the course..... So if he is so qualified why was the question asked in the first place" maybe the F%*&wit twat cant read the course notes
scaryy as.....
would you take your bike or car to him when a "diploma in moter veichle mechanics"
6v system 12v globe(s) - what happens?
if they were flashing too quick then by fitting a higher voltage/ampage buld it will slow down the flash. hope this helps
Cowboy mechanics labelling themselves as 'specialists'
i took my bike to a well known bike shop in glasgow a number of years ago to get a back tyre fitted and an MOT. the bike came out of the workshop last thing on a saturday evening and they gave me the bill and said it had failed the test due to a front wheel bearing.(nothing wrong with it). riding (hammering) down the road home in a bit of a huff i suddenly had a feeling to pull over and look at the bike, the retaining clip on the chain was not replaced (dont know why they split the chain to remove the wheel) and the back caliper was only finger tight on the stay bar. obviously they were in a hurry home and never even tested the bike or this would have been seen. went back on the following saturday (when the showroom was busy) and kicked up f#*k so every one would hear.
defective tyre???
the bike is straight with no woddles, even at speed. if the tyre wasnt fitted properly it would shudder and bounce. in 23-odd years of biking i have never came across this before. the side that is worn is not worn evenly, personaly my thoughts are that the cords inside the tyre are breaking. the rubber itself also shows signs of cracking on the worn side. i have never heard of a front tyre out-living a rear, the rear has about 3-4mm left in the centre, the front has about the same in the centre. the bike isnt driven hard and the back is slightly squared.
defective tyre???
hi folks wondering if anybody has had the same problem as myself or can shed some light on the problem. the front tyre on my bike has worn away unevenly on the one side, the centre of the tyre is hardly worn, it actually looks the same as a car tyre when the tracking is off. the tyre only has around 1500 miles on it and the back has plenty of life in it. both tyres were replaced at the same time. they are continental contiforce. the bike was stored in the shed all winter and i deflated the tyre pressure to about 20psi and both wheels were of the ground. any ideas and is it worth sending the tyre back to continental to see what they say? thanks
fuel tap
great minds think alike oldgit,
fuel tap
it may be in the prime position. also if its filling the carbs to overflow check the float height and the small needle attached to it. there may be a small piece of dirt holding it open slightly.
Oil smoking from top of motor
is it all over the ouside of the engine? give it a good soaking with gunk and rub it in (on a cold engine!!) and then get the hose to it and give it a good wash (remove the HT caps and tie them up out of the way). blow any water out of the plug area with an air line and give the plugs/caps a spray of WD40 before fitting the caps.