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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. which went out of scouting in 1963
  2. I'd be tempted to give it a light hone just to bed in the rings. doesn't really open up the bore too much and will help with oil retension
  3. TommyXS likes the XJR too, in fact the first time he rode one was with a ferrari up his tail on the IOM at the Creg
  4. my cyl went down on the 400 twin, still rode it home on a single cyclinder with lots of drag from the redundant one. Cleaned the tracker today and she came up a treat. weather tomorrow seems ok so a little trip up to Rivvy might be in order. the FZ should be back on the road for next weekend too. just renewed my insurance £87 for two bikes fully comp
  5. you gotta go back , Jack and do it again
  6. what about using an air chisel without the chisel bit. just pound it out that way. Just make sure you dont peen over the end otherwise its spark erosion
  7. drewpy

    MOT and CBT

    Sr or if your tall a dt. YBR is also a popular bike
  8. 11am at the Wirral a few bikes turn up, can't make it though as have a previous engagement The ride will go through Wallasey, Moreton, Hoylake, Wesk Kirby, Thurstaston, Heswall, Thornton Hough, and finally Claremount Farm at Clatterbridge http://wirraleggrun.org/
  9. to the mad house whereabouts do you reside?
  10. spelt wrong as usual cheers Tommy
  11. two finger? we do 3. thanks for the kind comment
  12. I can get a rise out of you , you geordie git BTW
  13. I remember William Gladstone
  14. Just got a letter today of the district commissioner. I'm going to recieve a Chief scouts commendation for good service to scouting.
  15. I've used chinese stuff beforebut I always check and measure it. Got a barrel and piston once and had to to do some careful machining for it to work.
  16. to the forum Cath. A few on here go to Loomies
  17. he wasn't being agressive 1am, just that we get a lot of one hit wonders and we are more of a community than other forums. An introduction is good netiquette and is appreciated on here. So a hello and intro is worth a lot more than you know.
  18. A retired guy sits around the house all day so one day his wife says, "Barry, you could do something useful, like vacuum the house once a week". The guy gives it a moment's thought and says, "Sure why not. Show me to the vacuum". Half an hour later, the guy comes into the kitchen to get some coffee. His wife says, "I didn't hear the vacuum working, I thought you were using it"? Exasperated, Barry answers, "The stupid thing is broken, it won't start. We need to buy a new one". "Really", she says, "show me - it worked fine the last time". So he did videos.files.wordpress.com/Xblfe4qf/retired-vacum-cleaner_dvd.mp4 nicked this from 2 stroke forum
  19. Hi Pete, Netiquette usually states that you introduce yourself in the new members area. next step is to post in the correct area, either classic or off road section. Drewps
  20. your supposed to use toilet paper John, dirty bastard
  21. dude I assume you have a museum with 50 bikes! can we all come round to play?
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