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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. never played borderlands, the last one a iplayed before the gaming pc went tits up was the bioshock series
  2. FPS is my fave especialy Half-life, great story and lots of action.
  3. lovely job that John. colour is really good too
  4. wasn't even proper 3d, the sprites faced you wherever you went. The way the game played the screen scrolled through level as opposed you traveling through the level which after a few hours made you bit sick.
  5. not sure how many are from cali to the forum
  6. it was the best game, I loved it and was also the first mulitplayer that I played too. had to buy an extra 2 meg for £100 to play it and then buy an 8 bit sound blaster card
  7. get a multimeter from maplins ands check you have 14v+ at 3k rpm. if its 12- 13v then your not charging.
  8. unfortunatly in this day and age, I'd treat selling to the public as though they will tried and steal it off you. there's plenty of intellegent gangs out there who can persuade you to part with your bike. Likewise there will be peeps who will be just as paranoid buying bikes from peeps they do not know. If you are buying your bike from a dealer, why not see if a part ex deal might be better? ebay is also a good place to sell on, but again whatch for unsolicited emails etc.
  9. .-.. .- -. --. ..- .- --. .
  10. drewpy

    Project hakka

    sounds like an earth or live issue. Leccy will always find the easiest path so that's through the headlamps to earth. Most newish bikes (my '87 FZ does) have diodes which prevent back flow. maybe that's been omitted?
  11. brings back some good memories from last year
  12. still that, no-one was out so I got through OK without harm
  13. nice bikes, like the TR1 Hope the wife didn't see the baby on the floor, I know mine would go mad
  14. didn't see you Kev! The weather was OK going there and a few nice bikes too. More of a gathering than a show but very good for it and quite busy engine manufactured where I live, Gardner Diesels Eccles. They didn't want to fit turbos so they lost out to more powerful engines and went bump rode home in a hail storm and had an open face helmet on, ouch!. Had to stop but experienced some great thunder and Lightening
  15. ace, nice one. I see it has the same motion as a V twin too
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