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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. well done on getting this far. overboring won't provide extra power only, restore the compression and hence the original power it had. there are a set of .25 overs on ebay at the mo' and you will need to give these to the machine shop so they can match the bores. when I have mine done here in manchester, he marked each piston to bore, so i know he knows his stuff. don't forget they need honing (45' cross hatch) to retain the oil on the bore. when I got my engine finished i read a school of thought that you should use mineral oil and thrash the engine for 20 miles, this breaks in the rings to the bores. it worked for me and i don't burn any oil at all. then you drain the oil and change filter and put in "whatever you use" oil!
  2. 300 micro farad capacitor or this http://www.zeeltronic.com/page/bat_elim.php
  3. mine always pops a little on over run, so don't worry too much about it!!
  4. it was easy enough to check the rings when you had the head off!! the carbs spitting back will be the absence of filters as the diaphram in the carb will have trouble lifting properly so making the mix weaker.
  5. why don't you restrict the gear change quadrant (if the're fitted on modern bikes) just fill in the teeth where you don't want gears. next Q is, what's it for?
  6. my "bags" dropped years ago!!!
  7. drewpy

    40 Scousers

    scouse is the stew scouser is the person
  8. drewpy

    40 Scousers

    that's based on a manchester estate
  9. found this whilst perusing the net http://www.motorcycle-ignition.com/motorcy...i_kit.htm#makes 235 aus though!!
  10. I agree with Yoda, after restoring my bike, the mot tester commeted that they were binding, but after about 100 mile they free'd themselves by bedding in. ie matching the profile of the disk with the angle of the caliper
  11. drewpy

    40 Scousers

    you can take the scouser out of liverpool, but you can't take liverpool out of the scouser!!
  12. does in the haynes manual, its a universal thing with all bikes anyway. need a carb balancer though!! uses the stubs on the intakes.
  13. maybe try resetting your valves first and see if it makes a difference, also carb misbalanced could also cause rattling.
  14. did you check the tensioner blades for wear, when the head was off? the tensioner is automatic, did you remove the 3mm bolt holding the tensioner closed to enable it to be bolted back in place? ( in the manual)
  15. I thought rotella was for total loss oil systems as used in wankel engines (triumph, DKW et al)
  16. for a upholdterer try LK leighton in birmingham. maybe make a pan yourself and get them to cover it?
  17. wow, sweet ride points are reliable if you keep up maintenance. I have fitted a contact assisted ignition which means that all the contacts do is trigger the electronics. PM me and when I'm back home I'll get out the address if you want! it does sound like the points are grounding out somewhere, are you sure that all the insulating washers are in place and in the right order? If unknown I would get new as they pitt after time and give false readings. the best way to time them is to use a dwell meter (105' off the top of my head). then i would strobe the timing off the crank. when the bike is running and the points cover is off, can you see any flashing? this means your condensor has failed and will also cause a misfire. contactless ignition is made by newtronic who went bust a few years ago. they were bought out but nothing seems to be happening at the mo'.
  18. drewpy

    terminal 5

    A couple decide to go on holiday and arrive at Terminal 5. Seeing the chaos the husband reasures his wife. "Look we've been stressed out all year we've not managed a holiday for ages as soon as we're away from here things will get better" The next day they manage to get on a plane, but without their luggage. "Still look on the bright side dear we've always wanted to see Tibet and now we're on our way" When they get to Tibet they get caught up in a protest march outside the airport and mistaken for activists they're arrested and spend three days in jail. "Come on dear keep your spirits up we've done nothing wrong, it'll all be sorted soon." Then an Embassy official manages to secure their release but only on the undestanding that they are put straight on a plane back to Blighty. Filthy, starving and dishevelled they arrive back at Heathrow. "OK dear that may have been a nightmare but when we get home you can soak in a nice hot bath and I'll take you out on the town for a show and a slap up meal. Look here's the taxi.... Driver?... Romsey Close, Farnborough please?"
  19. A man in a hot air balloon, realising he was lost, reduced altitude and spotted a woman below. He descended further and shouted to the lady "Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don'tknow where I am." The woman below replied, "You're in a hot air balloon, hovering approximately 30 feet above the ground. You're between 40 and 41 degrees north latitude and between 59 and 60 degrees west longitude." "You must be in IT," said the balloonist. "Actually I am," replied thewoman, "How did you know?" "Well," answered the balloonist, "everything you have told me is technically correct but I've no idea what to make of your information and the fact is I'm still lost. Frankly, you've not been much help at all. If anything, you've delayed my trip." The woman below responded, "You must be in Management." "I am," replied the balloonist, "but how did you know?" "Well," said the woman, "you don't know where you are or where you're going. You have risen to where you are due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise, which you've no idea how to keep, and you expect people beneath you to solve your problems. The fact is you are in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but now, somehow, it's my fucking fault.."
  20. drewpy

    vodoo penis

    great , just keep it away from Jim from the Royle family
  21. It could be, then the piston could be hitting an open valve? why don't you unscrew all the adjusters out and see if that helps
  22. drewpy

    My Mess

    got your hands full then !!!
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