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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. the 27hp was, primarily for german market, so you should have the 38hp version. the xs would have 18" wheel front and 16" (for customs) on the rear (18", 2A2 versions) I don't think the 130 section tyre would work, i had been given a 120 section and it was a mm away from the swing arm and fouled the chain guard. you can get sprockets in any size teeth, if you have a standard xs hub, then the 360 should fit as I swap mine between 250 and 400. (watch out you don't get mixed up with the '81 seca/maxim as its a dohc and completly different) check the bike hasn't been crashed if the front end has been replaced its probable.
  2. the only one I know is the dutch site xs650.nl or something, i got some mixture screws for my carbs and they were here within a week.
  3. drewpy

    ultrasonic cleaners

    I got one from Aldi in uk and they say in the instructions you can part submerge them and just turn over for the other side
  4. drewpy


    look for flat spots on both tyres as well!
  5. drewpy

    the bacon tree

    Two Irishmen are stuck in the desert, wandering aimlessly and close to death. They are close to just lying down and waiting for the inevitable, when all of a sudden....... 'Hey Paddy, do you smell what I smell. its bacon I'm sure of it.' 'Yes Mick it smells like bacon to me.' So, with renewed strength, they struggle up the next sand dune, and there, in the distance, is a tree loaded with bacon. There's raw bacon, dripping with moisture, there's fried bacon, back bacon, double smoked bacon... every imaginable kind of cured pig meat. 'Paddy, paddy we're saved. 'it is a bacon tree.' 'Mick, are you sure its not a mirage? We are in the Desert don't forget.' 'Paddy when did you ever hear of a mirage that smell like bacon... its no mirage, its a bacon tree.' And with that... Mick Races towards the tree. He gets to within 5 metres, Paddy following closely behind, when all of a sudden, a machine gun opens up,and Mick is cut down in his tracks. It is clear he is mortally wounded but, a true friend that he is, he manages to warn Paddy with his dying breath. 'Paddy... go back man, you was right its not a bacon tree.' 'Mick ,Mick ... what the fuck is it?' 'Paddy... its not a bacon tree... its its its a Ham Bush.
  6. ebay has loads, have you tried bikebandit, old bike barn, motogrid?
  7. euro laugh a minute
  8. drewpy

    Finally back home!

    welcome back mate. can you speak swahilli now. All I know is off lion king!!
  9. its def your carbs mate, especially if you left fuel in them when parked up. the best way to clean is strip and ultrasonic clean them, get someone professionallly to do that, or buy a unit and do it yourself it will be cheaper and will learn something.
  10. jets should be fine, need to check the mains on each carb as they can be different for a specific side (not uncommon) when you say carb tune, do you mean the dial guages or that crappy contraption which fits on the end of carb and lifts a plastic bobble? need to use the intake stubs and adjust the right side to match the left carb. do it on tickover as the diaphrams can start taking over and messing up the settings. on my carbs the mixture screw is in for weaken out for richer
  11. the right foot gear change is common for xs650 flat-trackers. why don't you keep that and put on a left foot brake just to be different. If you want to change back, sell the right engine case as a dirt track mod and you will soon sell it. buy another case and you will need a new change shaft, poss change quadrant and gear lever. left hand case may be just a grommet and not welded up so check forst
  12. drewpy

    The Box

    quite simply BRILLIANT!!! I luv the crass ones
  13. did you make sure you cleaned out the return hole from inside the resevior? this prevents a vaccuum so the fluid can flow. its really tiny and hard to see. another trick is to bind your brake lever to the handle bars overnight to let the fluid enter the seals.
  14. yea they did, even blew a seal last year, that's when I changed to 20W
  15. my bike takes 10w 30 engine oil or 20w fork oil. i drained out the 10w 30 as it didn't perform, the 20w is much better.
  16. I would email him, don't give up cos when youv'e done it you get a lot of satisfaction and you learn as you go. don't forget to keep us posted
  17. did you try to fit them anyway? why don't you email the site owner, they usually do speak english and is worth a try. ask for the model he used!!
  18. drewpy

    Cam Oil Seal

    air is denser when cold and the cold charge promotes combustion ( spitfire planes etc used water injection for that purpose) the white plugs are a great indication that you are running lean, i would try your idle mix screw and richen it, as it does affect the rev range higher up. trouble is , the usa models are set really lean to pass emissions test. I run rich on the bottom end of the rev scale to get my kicks at the top ( my bike hates slow traffic like me)
  19. drewpy

    Cam Oil Seal

    lowering the floats, lowers the fuel level as it will shut off the fuel earlier. you need to lower the tab between the floats (effectivley raising them) then you will raise the fuel level. try it and see, if i run mine at constant 4k then is starts jerking around (its much better between 7 and 9.5 k )
  20. drewpy

    1976 xs500c

    I don't think they will as xs650's have there ports splayed out a la triumph. get the rear silencers and get a set of downpipes made to match. my friend had a set of stainless made for xs400 for £60 a pair!!
  21. have you picked up your xs360 yet, and is it any good? just got an invite for Lotherton hall today from VJMC.
  22. yep, the cam marks will be there and you will see them freeze under the strobe lamp. if you keep the bike on main stand, no oil will escape ( it will on side stand, don't ask me how I know)
  23. drewpy


    oi loiks dat wun!!
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