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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. I forgot to wish everyone a happy star wars day yesterday May the 4th (be with you!)
  2. the reason I stick with classic bikes is that they are a hobby and although I use my car for commuting ( shitty m60 at whitefield and death valley) I manage to combine both reasonably well. winters gets me rebuilding/messing/talking bikes so I'm still in touch and my friends basically do the same!! so I'm out on the bike when the weather is good and in the car when its shit!!
  3. drewpy

    Disc to Drums

    as far as the front is concerned no problem. the rear will need the pedal and linkage to operate the rear brake
  4. er, have you switched off the cut-out switch by accident?
  5. drewpy

    sexy XS

    far as I know the weights refer to the standard models. and there were never an SE option on the 360!
  6. nice bike and a good job G-man I like the yellow
  7. drewpy

    sexy XS

    I thought all 360's were drum braked, thus wired!!
  8. drewpy

    sexy XS

    2kg 250 166kg 360 159kg 400 164kg I recon the 360 weight saving was in the wire wheels
  9. yep I can see it now. I thought the 360 had the same carb as the 400 but it has the O ring like the 250 carbs
  10. drewpy

    new member

    did you undo the black earth?
  11. drewpy

    new member

    yeah, good one I think foamy appreciated it!!
  12. drewpy

    dear o deer

    I've just met a deer who could write with both his left and right hooves. He said he was bambidextrous.
  13. drewpy

    New member

    Joe. its usually a centralising spring situated on the opp side of the gear lever. (casing off I'm afraid) I'm sure Yamagod will have a manual for you to peruse
  14. drewpy

    dtr 125

    sweet ride to the forum
  15. nice bike, will you ever finish it or are you gonna keep modding it?
  16. vetter was the godfather of fairings and designed the BMW stuff in wind tunnels
  17. great, get to post this of OG again I'm not too sure this is your problem though!! I think its from your gas cap and by turning the key you may just conicidently shake the tank and the petrol fumes just escape due to the disturbed petrol. check its not partially blocked, or try it with a loose gas cap and see if happens again?
  18. problem is, we don't understand scottish
  19. drewpy

    sexy XS

    the specs say the 250 was heavier, maybe its all the extra meat in the barrel and head
  20. normally 1st time posters introduce themselves before asking us to help you sell things. I can understand the benefit to both sides, but forum protocol says a little "hi" would be in order drewpy
  21. I agree the rest of the bike should be as spec, just adding to that really. what is/are rubber jet covers? the only rubber i have are the diaphrams and the choke boot!
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