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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. fowlers in bristol will have them, just google and phone the parts dept. theya re usually self adjusting as its spring tensioned
  2. try motogrid for parts numbers, the panels are hard to get as I remember another thread a few years ago with a similar request, might be best to try speed sport or www.ebay.de
  3. looks like your having fun (in the rain) I had similar weather on my trip at the weekend.
  4. I still use contacts but use then to trigger an electronic box that was made for me by an enthusiast in germany. here or use this one
  5. might want to leave it soaking for a few weeks in diesel oil. not too much though. I think that you would need to strip the pistons down and free off the rings and check the bores for rust damage.
  6. drewpy

    NW200 the story

    set off at 4pm to meet with a friend at Tebay. as its bedlam on the motorway (and shit) we head down the A6 and join M'way at preston, boring ZZZZ here's my bike set and ready damn windy out there and when we reach tebay, my Mike (cb750F1) was complaining of weaving on the truck ruts, i had no problems. When in Tebay and waiting for Dave (VFR750) I noticed either Mike's back wheel was in a dip or he had a flat, guess what, it was a flat. Mike was real pissed off. Dave turned up and we went round the carpark to find someone to lend us a pump as we could'nt find any puncture. eventually we gave up and Mike called the rescue. Dave and I went on via the A6 to Carlise and then Dumfries to the B&B we booked earlier. we arrived at the B&B at 10ish and mike turned up 2 hours later to tell us that the rescue people had a computer crash and his details were lost. So he waited another 2 hours for the rescue to turn up!! any way we did 150 miles and mike did 40miles and the rest on a low loader. I can recommend East Brae cottage B&B (http://www.eastbraecottage.co.uk/) as Jim (proprietor) loves company and will do anything for you (within reason) he took us in the car the next day to dumfries to buy a new valve and inner tube (just in case). he has an air compressor in his garage which we pumped up the flat tyre and it stayed up even when the valves was taken out!! go figure! after a hearty breakfast including haggis MMM! we set off for stranraer. 20 miles down the road Mike's back tyre goes down and we stop at a local garage off the A75 Mike outside the garage local is happy to take off tyre but he thinks "how can it be fixed?" he is a bit bemused when we produce an inner tube!!! Mike having a "moment" so we set off agin and get 10 miles from stran when , guess what, he has another puncture!! now mike has given up and is swearing, shit this and shit that! dave and I carry on and Mike phones Carole Nash again for rescue. Dave and I waiting to board the Ferry, there are a lot of bikes an mine is the oldest one there by a mile/s we board the ferry and its amazing how much you can get in a ship we get on board and set off. this is a 2 hour crossing so take our boots off and empty the deck with the fumes. Mike phones, he's not going home, the breakdown recovery chap is a biker and knows the ATS guys (who are bikers) and is adamant that he will get the bike fixed. so Mike is getting the later ferry and will meet us at Bushmills and Coyles house!! the last punture was from the last garage leaving the remnets of the whole valve inside the tyre between the inner tube, what a nob!! do we reach Coyle's house?, will anything else go wrong as we are on 30 year old bikes?
  7. I'm Baaaack and Knakered!! tell you all tomorrow with pictures and all that!!! drewps
  8. this is my last post before I set off for the NW200. staying in Dumfies at east Brae Cottage then friday catch the ferry to Belfast and up to Coyles place. don't yet know where he lives but he said ask in the village!! stay safe for Drewps folks, and see you all when I get back!! ps I won't forget to wave!!!!
  9. is that the one the police use? good book
  10. your making me nervous now, only 24 hours to the NW200
  11. drewpy


    to the forum Robin, Mervin isn't too far from you, but he always out crabbing
  12. strip each carb out separatley as sometimes the jets are different for each side. make sure you take out the main jet as these have tiny holes in them, dont poke (that's what women are for) use carb cleaner and air. if you have an ultrasonic bath, that is better!!
  13. I'm sure the fork legs fit the stantions. try ebay.de for stuff like that as not many in UK!
  14. have you booked your ferry as they might be full now!!
  15. I weld a nut over the hole and the metal flows onto the sheared stud. the heat in all this loosens the stud as well and use a spanner to take out the stud. I have done this quite a few times as I restored a classic car as well as bikes and has never failed me. not sure about you leak though, maybe some one has previuosly used that point as a lever to take off the barrell, thus creating the problem!!
  16. drewpy


    I think its best to get out more and enjoy herself. People are attracted to women that have a good time, laughing and such. ,maybe attend a few weekend events like farmyard etc just my 2d's worth
  17. I think I know who you mean and so does he
  18. thought you said your bike was reliable on a previous post Is the timing OK?too advanced and will overheat the engine
  19. drewpy

    Brrrr it's cold.

    wasn't 6 months ago
  20. drewpy

    out today?

    whats the forcast for the weekend? I'm meeting a guy called coyles wright, he races there and putting us up for 2 nights YAY!!
  21. I'll have to make a YOC flag now I'll be watching 2nite
  22. I thought I was the "king of corn" nice one though
  23. to the YOC forum mate. listen to uncle Jim as he knows his stuff all right yamagod is the PDF manual guru here, might want to PM him drewps
  24. if 350 members put a pound in, foamy can have his dream come true!!
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