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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. it might be water in the fuel. ethanol attracts water which sinks to the bottom. just open the float drain plug and get rid of the fuel, then top up with fresh and put an inline fuel filter in too
  2. if you need potato, you need this in your house
  3. crap in the fuel, did you fit an inline filter?
  4. your looking for a code something like 6220rs measure the outer race and the spindle for a size and cross reference that way. don't forget there's usually a mushroom spacer that fits inside the sprocket carrier bearing (on the inside) and peeps throw that away with the bearing. and yes you need it as one bike I serviced for a friend had it missing and the bearing was about to fail
  5. expect this sort of hassle with 125's as they tend to be neglected. mind you I've seen some bodges on my bikes
  6. tip the head upside down and put petrol/turps in the "bowl" if it drains you need have the valves ground (try those kits first) and retest. if it still does it, the seats will need recutting by an engineer
  7. cheers, It carried Tommy and myself down to Shropshire the other week. 80 mph on twisties and felt great. Just got to keep an eye on the oil as they do like it,
  8. went to Wray tonight , did about 150 miles round trip and It got a bit cowd later on. My core temp was really low by the time I got in. Took an hour to warm up John McGuiness was there ( nothing official just chilling) and it was a really good night. Went with Billbot (RD350) Brad (350) and a couple of other guys
  9. he's already asked this question and got the same answer locked
  10. drewpy

    Laying up advice.

    getting the fogging stuff off is fun
  11. we're getting too caraway with this
  12. no, but you should see Rosemary Chive
  13. Yes, get in. My book on how to have sex with herbs has finally been published. It's about Fucking Thyme !!
  14. a long way, great roads though https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Bishop's+Castle,+Bishops+Castle/@52.4922605,-3.0064525,15z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x48700ffd3b29af49:0x2702b017b6bfc73a!8m2!3d52.4900507!4d-2.9984386
  15. very nice, like the exhaust too
  16. I suppose you could get a magazine from the 90's and get an advert in there? say hello in the new members section
  17. drewpy

    Laying up advice.

    I've used marine something or other, its for marine engines and gives off a vapour to control rust I think it was called fogging oil
  18. seen those before, but really good
  19. drewpy


    andy, do us a favour and introduce yourself in the new members section first. Its good netiquette
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