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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. Thanks Slice, I have a few staff off who were affected, my son was in Manchester last night but in the student quarter. He came home late last night before I knew what was happening.
  2. drewpy


    yes, as they still use carbs. it attacks brass and rubber
  3. prob need a new coila nd HT lead as they are normally bonded in.
  4. drewpy


    i do use the super unleaded in the vain hope it doesn't have ethanol in it
  5. built onto my insurance, just told them I will be abroad, no problem they said.
  6. there's a thread somewhere on this forum about helping other peeps and from which area? have a search and see if you can find it
  7. Had a great ride out today. Sun shone and I got diverted from the Cat and Fiddle (road works I recon) but had an even better ride as the road was even better with no average speed cameras till the end. Got to Matlock bath and had a brew then rode down the A6 and just chilled. Got caught in the rain at Dovehole and wasn't very nice but soon got back into the sunshine and decided to go to Rivvy. Saw this nicely presented Camino. I think they sold these in catalogues?
  8. you told me, remember?
  9. nice original example, some idiot made a tracker out of one
  10. could you re-enforce the sprocket bolts with locktited nuts on the other side of the sprocket carrier? that would also spread the loading away from the holes
  11. Kev's having his fuel tank repainted, as it wrinkled over winter (bit like his todger) Hopefully see him soon
  12. or grilling, baking, BBQ.......
  13. I got chen shin on the tracker and it flew round Wombwell track and never stepped out at all!
  14. I go on Carpe TDM and that's very lively, 2 stroke forum is too. sometimes it goes in circles. I remember this site from early days of the RD boys, just them and me. Didn't come back for a while then it exploded when reached a certain critical mass.
  15. tissue roll? nah, do what finners suggest, also invest in a couple of carb cleaner spray cans, they have quite a high pressure too which helps clear jets. You also need to take out the fuel jets to clean properly and best practise is to use a ultrasonic cleaner
  16. One near you Tommy. bike meet tuesday evening 6 - 8pm at Coffee 500 http://www.coffee500.co.uk/
  17. still sounds like a fuel issue. when you say cleaned carbs you don't mean they look shiney on the outside? (its been known) maybe your float height needs checking, and did you strip the main jet and emulsion tube and ensured all the miniscule holes are clear?
  18. i've moved you from help section to new members welcome section and deleted your duplicate post . you'll get there in the end
  19. well, when the chips are down......
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