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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. drewpy

    Alien vs Pooh

    Alien Vs Pooh
  2. maybe best to paint them to hide the marks, or maybe a metal badge slighly rolled to form round the scratches and pop riveted on, that'll make it look OEM!!
  3. you can down load a manual in the "sticky" at the top of this section, it should give you the info you need. I had a new kit from cirus and they sent a solid pilot and it made my tickover too lean so went back to the "holey" ones the sohc bikes in the uk have identical jets for each carb, so i think its more to do with legislation than mechanical excellence!! drewps
  4. 1st you need a decent battery; I got a cheapo and it lasted 3 months!! as I ride mainly in the warmer months I always use an optimiser, the new ones de-sulphate the plates and it lasts a lot longer, they also come with a fly lead so its a matter of getting the lead under the frame and attaching the charger to that, no need to go near the battery! had my battery 2 years now
  5. Bacon butty (or 2), £10 entry, and 2 tanks worth of juice!!
  6. we're not hard riders and stop for brecky at the little chef where we met OG. As its st georges day march on sunday, It'll have to be saturday for moi!!
  7. there's a 250 with wires on ebay at the mo, £325 BIN
  8. between the sohc and dohc? nothing i can think of except the fuel
  9. OT came on his 125 last year, ok, we zoomed off, but he soon caught us up at the lights!
  10. I'm going on the 25th April with a friend from work. anyone else going? OT? OG? Vez?
  11. I'd email him first! the contacts will wear at the heal so you would need to lube and time them once in a while. I've had mine on for 2 years now no probs whatsoever. bike pulls past redline, i think the points bounce gets ignored!
  12. I got this from gigavolt in germany. He can be found on the xs400.de ( that's where I contacted him) and he speak english!! he made me a kit which uses the points as a trigger only. I had the version 3 but version 4 is out and was about £80, fitting is easy and mine looks oem.
  13. drewpy

    50mph state trooper

    only in America!!
  14. drewpy

    fzr 400

    normally flat trackers are twins/singles but if that floats ya boat, go for it. 42mm stanchions? could be anything
  15. back mate can't help with the query but one should come along in the very ear future
  16. expensive tools hopefully you got a new seal kit first? destroy the rubber boot ( well as much as you can) get a long nail and grind it further so there is a 3mm "pin" formed stick the nail into one of the eyes in the circlip push it out. if the circlip starts spinning you may ned to get another nail and cross them over and repeat. done this twice now and costs nowt!!
  17. drewpy

    TX 500 PARTS

    stop shouting please!!!
  18. they are £45 last time i looked
  19. I have rubbing issues, and the wife thinks its disgusting!!!
  20. when you finished playing with the carbs, just send them over to me to the forum my friend
  21. and now.................... ( raises hands and gesticulates) the gallery
  22. I would say it won't work, why don't you ask the powder coaters? I'm sure that HVC cycle do the bushes but can't find them, Mervin may know as I seen it on aircooled rd forum somewhere!
  23. get the painter to do it then!!, do you have an old picture so we can see the design?
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