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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. if it was in the UK, all those bikes would have been sold and been restored, used for parts etc
  2. I am so excited about going to watch this film, out 17th december 2010 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AwvuirSEAA&NR=1
  3. this brings tears to my eyes. the owner died 30 years ago and left all these bikes in the building. it noe demolished along with the bikes
  4. to the madhouse phil, they're off topic as usual
  5. he's finally made the trip to John's hoose and he took a video camera check it oot
  6. drewpy

    Best route?

    it's not what you know, its who you know
  7. 3 screws inside and 3 on the outside to hold the field coil (they are connected) the stator coils need a bit of persuasion!
  8. drewpy

    Best route?

    surely, a local YOC member could have a look on dave's behalf?
  9. Happpy birfday foams me old chap!! eighteen and i like it................
  10. great sunny day for playing on our Pioneering, managed to have a go meself, boy that Drop Net got you spinning!

  11. are we talking tyres here, or tiers you need to tell him if your going rigid or staying with the shocks! that's for the gap/mounting required. you do know you can buy off the shelf mudguards and cut them to fit yourself? ( I figure that is what he'll do anyways) the tyre is for getting the radial gap right as there are different size wheels!! @paulwhite, whats a stile? (apart from a device for getting a person through a field boundary)
  12. one brass tube goes to the vacuum diaphram on the fuel tap. the other has a cap. lumpy idle is due to the pilot system mix out. need to tweek the screws to get best idle. if not sure how to do, get back on here.
  13. the xs360 2-D had drum/spokes and you may find an xs2 650 might fit. did you check out the post regarding another xs400 bobber?
  14. bit long, but there's some inspired visuals an this tower's 600 year history
  15. chris send payment, as I have 5 spare! details as per post please as some peeps didn't give me their forum name!!
  16. foams your PM folder is full, I need the monies in for the patches
  17. you can get standard fitting/looking bulbs but with the LEDs in them. paul Goff at norbsa does them
  18. drewpy

    YOC patch

    come on peeps pay up, still few to go and it takes 5 weeks for the badges to be made!!
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