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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. i use turps or white spirit I also fund that.. Applied externally to the affected areas, turpentine is a highly effective treatment for lice. Turpentine can be mixed with animal fat as a primitive chest rub for nasal and throat complaints. Some modern chest rubs still contain some turpentine (e.g., Vick's Vaporub). Internal administration of turpentine is no longer common today, though it was once the preferred means of treating intestinal parasites."
  2. last chance saloon is to weld a nut on the screw head, this warms it up and lets you put a socket on it
  3. 55p, turnip and i'll raise you a sprout
  4. I'm sure you don't really need the plugs, they are there to stop peeps messing with the settings
  5. Carbs are very picky on the xs's. they may LOOk clean, but in honesty, they need ultra sonic clesaning. "Mervin the mod" on this forum can do them. there are lots of small orificies, i cleaned mine but still ended up sending them away to be ultrasonically cleaned. You can get Keyster carb kits from NRP in Manchester if you want to overhall your carbs and replace the jets etc.
  6. glad you sorted it, I don't think the honda is electro mechanical so can't be adjusted. Wonder if you can stick some sort of capacitor in there to fool it into the 16v threshold? the issue you will have is that the battery will boil and the plates will breakdown!
  7. bonsoir mon amie, bienvenue a club Yamaha
  8. clive, have a ganders around there's a few custom jobs been done.
  9. now i'm confused, you said there was no spark in your first post. so you now got a spark now and there is another problem? is there anything thing else we should know?
  10. ebay, make sure they are for either contacts or electronic ignition!
  11. Rf (right fire) Lf (guess) no flywheels on the xs, you just remove the left cover (4 allen bolts) on the centre stand and the oil won't come out! tip; if you over fill the oil, you can get rid of excess via the side stand method!
  12. not sure where you are from but electrex world do a combined unit
  13. try rk leighton covered my xs seat for £20 with leather supplied.
  14. Ladies and gents I give you.... Spinal Pat
  15. drewpy

    ponycorn game

    I liked this My link
  16. congrats on another year Merv
  17. BP7-ES is the one listed
  18. If you look at the wiring diagram, the pints earth the coils which have a red/white positive feed via the ignition switch. ther is also a condesor to prevent sparks across the points, preventing arcing (sparks) which will erode the contact surface. the time the contacts are closed it powers up the coils in primary coil and when the contacts separate, the built up power in the coils has no where to go so passes to the secondary coils and jumps the spark plug gap (the easiest earth path). thats why HT leads are well insulated, stopping any earth leakage. hope that sinmplified explanation helps.
  19. the regulator may not work for that type of charging system. It could be for a permenant magnet one! have a ganders at your earth connectins too
  20. glad I couldn't make it in the end. Better be back to normal next year!
  21. try the float bowl too, there is a passage way there too!
  22. nice one, looks like she's riding an xs
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