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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. aye, it was Belmont road, I will get some goggs. watching some on Ebay
  2. look on ebay for genuine, might be cheaper. What you want to do is find out who makes the gaskets and buy them without the Yam moniker and mark up! if you go with aftermarket, get a good make. Athena springs to mind, never heard of one fail!
  3. went out for a ride on the tracker last Sunday and couldn't resist getting an action shot of one of those web sites Kev hates. After rejetting the pilot and mains, bike runs great and revs out. It is running rich, but don't care ATM
  4. did you try the dvla site? it woud tell you if it was taxed and currently in use
  5. I thought you were wearing your helmet!
  6. drewpy

    foamys 19

    buon compleano Steve, hope you have a good day!
  7. that's just what kev said about his woman
  8. this section is for forum help, ie HELP ON USING THE FORUM read the headings before posting.
  9. welcome Gary from Chester, OG is tight so he may be able to help!
  10. welcome Jimmy, is that your passport photo i can see? good intro mate, just ride a 75cc bike and take off the rear cylinder
  11. cheers for that, was talking to OG the other day about that very car park
  12. Rotary Valve two-stroke with 3-cylinders in a V configuration (2 horizontal...1 vertical) @ 20,000 rpm it made 19 BHP. So how to keep it in it's powerband of 1200 rpm? a fourteen speed gearbox ..each piston 16.6 cc what is it? The amazing Suzuki RP 68 50cc Grand Prix Triple 380 BHP/Liter...40 years ago
  13. drewpy

    vintage sounds

    a little light music for us cyclephiles http://www.vintagebike.co.uk/galleries/sounds.php
  14. good job there, if your restoring it later start collecting parts now. things have a habit of shooting up in price!
  15. sounds like you got some debris in the carb causing a partial blockage. did it rev ok when it wouldn't move? did you change anything since? maybe the drive belt has snapped!
  16. you only have to look at that chinese video to see the contempt of some people
  17. rust, 2 dissimalar metals, no additive in the water. I'd check al the galleries and get it flushed out, personally I'd strip the engine
  18. I'd take a picture with a ruler to show the depth. Hindsight will always say your going too fast. see a solicitor, its free the first interview and they'll know if you have a case! in the meantime, you will have to get gear and fix up the bike, but keep reciepts. Hope your OK?
  19. 'Eh up lad" to the mad house Dan you frequent Lotherton hall at all for the VJMC show?
  20. Oh my God, everyone off the roads, foams is footloose on the XJ. seriously nice one, mind you if I can get my tracker MOT'd, anything should pass
  21. aye, close thing, hopefully he's ok and won't know what happened. My friends lad fell asleep on his bike as pillion, he had to whack him to stay awake!
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