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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. nasty, funny things backs. Sometimes just turning round can put someones back out. take some ibruprofen, and keep it moving, its more likely strained muscle and rest doesn't help ( And no, I'm not a doctor so take this advice as you will)
  2. I can't, its on his computer
  3. welcome Jimmy, which was your fave bike out of all them?
  4. that's quick......way to kill yourself <iframe width="640" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/2-b6xTFCuUo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  5. that is one big MF digger <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Tg6fFAzTDHU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  6. bit late for today as working on an Aprilia scoot for a friend. chopping trees down tomorrow. I'll check the weather for later as I need to take the red 400 out sometime as its feeling a bit putout lately.
  7. yes true, but a working condensor will reduce it so i'll run more than a few hours! good link to manuals BTW
  8. that's a psycho's laugh. didn't get any bike stuff, but then I get it all year round anyways
  9. Great, I have a problem too, some noob hijacking someone elses thread and inviting the world to phone him. Good luck in leaving your number on for the peodo's/spammers/psyco's to find.
  10. no they shouldn't arc, the condensor is there to prevent it or the points will wear due to spark erosion! check continuity and no earthing on the points, as its an old genny, I'd say gap it with fag packet a la brit bike. check coil too!
  11. lets see if i can get it here for you 1979 Yamaha XS750 Cafe on Flickr you'll have to be patient and check continuity on every piece of equipment. Get a multimeter and check power to lamps, then check flasher relay.
  12. Hi Vamp, couple of us live in Eccles. must go out for a ride sometime. If you like classic stuff we normally go to Stafford in April and there's the manchester bike show at event city in March!
  13. thanks guy's, plan on riding it a bit more next year, just got to remember to use me other one too!
  14. thought you'd like it
  15. Got another xmas pressie today; got into the top 10 in bike exif for 2011! 5. Drew's Yamaha XS400. It’s usually Yamaha’s XS650 that gets the custom treatment. But this sharp tracker from England, with an XS400 motor in an XS250 frame, proved that size isn’t everything. http://www.bikeexif.com/top-ten-motorcycles?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Bikeexif+%28Bike+EXIF%29
  16. just remebered this........ Twas the night before christmas and all through the house, Everybody felt shitty, even the mouse. Mum’s at the Bingo and dad’s out smoking grass, I’d just done google for a nice piece of ass. When out on the lawn I heard such a clatter, I sprung from my wank to see what was the matter. Then out on the lawn I saw a big dick I knew in a moment it must be saint nick. He came down the chimney like a bat out of hell, I knew in a moment the fucker had fell. He filled all of our stockings with pretzels and beer, And a big rubber dick for my brother the queer. He rose up the chimney with a thunderous fart! The son of a bitch blew the chimney apart. He swore and he cursed as he rode out of sight, I'm sure it was Kev on his LC that night
  17. that'll be a neutral indicator (green?) you need good earths, battery/flasher and poss engine running to get a good indicator. the 750's may be the same as the xs1100
  18. drewpy

    january sales

    soon be Jan sales and this is a must for us who get dragged along to the shops
  19. what about us Pat, Santa gets all the limelight
  20. http://images.businessweek.com/ss/05/11/egreetings/image/01.swf
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