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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. could adapt another one or get a set made up for you
  2. is the engine locked hard or just difficult to turn over? camshaft holders I assume you mean cam caps?
  3. early heads up, great show and it was the first one too!
  4. have you looked at electrex world? get the reg/rev code RR?? and google that number to find the cheapest. most modern reg/rec are reliable nowerdays
  5. delboy man where's you abode?
  6. so why is that a not problem? that means they only use leaded fuel
  7. to the YOC most of the road bikes in the 70's were designed to run on unleaded so you'll be fine
  8. I'm running LiPO4 battery (ballistic from the USA) in my tracker and can use a standrd charger with these. the only caveat was that they die if more than 14.4 volts are applied, so I had to get a new reg/rec as the old one knocked out 15volts. seems fine so far
  9. flaky start there crazy, but it looks like your on the right track now and you have spares total strip down resto is it?
  10. is it def an FZ? or FZR steel as opposed to alloy framed. £1k is at the top end of the FZ range, it would have to be MOT'd and running sweet for that. I would offer him £500 and get to £800 if your confdent in cleaning carbs. That's if the bike hasn't been running for a while. there's an article in December's Practicle sports bike on the FZ and they promote an 80's race foemulae which the top 10 bikes are FZ's
  11. crack pot game, for when your pished
  12. can't afford brooms, they use mops http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLkBS9dq_o0&feature=player_embedded
  13. he's a bit older now, but is he wiser?
  14. brilliant, that kung fu purple dude reminded me of airhead being denied his last pint
  15. that's what I've been saying all along. Does no-one else agree with him?
  16. good job, glad you got the pipes back ok
  17. Aldi have soldering iron kits for £7 ATM no contest really
  18. I had a howling and screaming from my car the other day. my wife took this picture and I think I know what it could be....
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