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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. drewpy

    Engine Clean

    wheel cleaner is acid so be careful with it and use goggles and a funny hat with lights (ignore the last bit)
  2. the web designers didn't code the site very well and you can put any old crap in the boxes with anon phone number etc. no captcha I think the claim part then populates the quote at the bottom. BTW Captcha means Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart
  3. yep, bearings are all off the counter as they are standard stuff its a camera phone that's been down the toilet not surprised its lost some definition
  4. depends how deep the reaction is and where! try compound first, and if that don't work, work your way through the rougher stuff
  5. picture looks great, I went on a submarine in about 1978, it was docked at Port Salford. Great fun even managed to get to see a porno calender in the sleeping quarters (it was soon whisked away)
  6. stripped the seized engine down today. the crank and piston was totally stuck, but the rest of the engine came aprt easily and the 5 speed cluster looks good. the side cover doesn't fit as It was a later version bang it on ebay for half the price of the other one, £50
  7. drewpy

    Engine Clean

    and use an old toothbrush, or if you haven't got an old one, use the missus's
  8. drewpy


    I'm sure it did in the testimonies.
  9. yes, because you wash it off
  10. drewpy


    Half asleep watching some science program, when this stuff is shown. must have loads of uses, gaskets etc and is really sticky so could be used to hold platforms for cameras etc http://sugru.com/about
  11. this just appeared on classicbikers club http://www.classicbikersclub.com/articles/2012-10/decoking-two-stroke-exhausts
  12. picked up the zinced parts today ooohhh shiny
  13. HMV workers take over official Twitter feed Angry employees 'live tweet from HR' to announce 'mass execution' just don't invite the social media employees with making redundancies and leave the twitter account running
  14. I won't be there for 5:30, more like 6:45 left is gear shift , right is kick start
  15. well done, booked mine in this Friday at 9:30
  16. the owner was a Mr T C McCulley, long disappeared now! try writing to the dvla for past owners, its a fiver and you have to give a good reason ( for mine I said i was researching the bike as it was being restored) I'd dream on and imagine the bike in that film
  17. well I got another pressie today courtisy of a fellow member of the sports moped forum. a 5 speed seized engine I'm hoping that left cover will fit mine as that will save me £50 for a new one, or if your daft, £100 for 2nd hand on eBay I'm off Friday and Monday so hope to strip it down and see what I have. Already I can see an unrestricted inlet worth at least £20 Off to pick up some zinc from Unity in Oldham tomorrow morning before work (they open at 5:30am)
  18. drewpy


    wonder if the xj600 fits the FZ600? same engine, but the mounts?
  19. so you want to lower the engine revs for the same speed? put a 13 on the front BTW you can get sprockets made, not really a big deal, JT's in Wales do them and I'm sure there's someone stateside
  20. that first pic is sooo photoshopped, her feet are nearly bigger than the wheel
  21. all good fun. I love building bikes but money, time and somewhere to do it always gets in my way
  22. one for our northern bretheren The Carole Nash Great Scottish Bike Show takes place at Lanark Agricultural Centre, Hyndford Road, Lanark, on Saturday, May 11, and Sunday, May 12. http://www.classicbikeshows.com/press.asp?uid=356&showcode=GSS13
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