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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. I wouldn't have looked round, as maybe you might have been perceived of goading her! I remember going to Donnington and there was a line of traffic on the A500, 3 miles from Donnington. just passing the line of cars, but as there were so many bikes car drivers were deliberately opening their doors and shouting at us, twats!
  2. we didn't leave till gone 4pm all the vendors were packing up. I got sunburnt too
  3. its a "Bone dry" jacket pity I didn't have the same in jeans
  4. Saw a few today in the motorcycle park, so I guess its permissable (as opposed to illegal) my plate angles nearly horizontal and have not been stopped yet (and it passed the MOT)
  5. drewpy


    died off now! I remember the oldies going on about "war wounds" if they had to do any hard work. seems it was true.
  6. I didn't get wet at all It was only on the way home and it did brighten up near Manchester. Glad everyone got back ok and it was great to meet you guy's need to get together again soon. Drewps PS where's the pikkies Paul?
  7. only ever got 3 points for speeding and that was 33 in a 30 Belmont road I did get stopped on a cb900 once, no licence, ins but got away with a £100 fine oh and I was doing about 90 just out of Ilfracombe
  8. might be listed on TIVO now!
  9. best go down with Paul, as I'm meeting TXS south of Manchester. so we'll meet at the bandstand at Stafford if that's OK?
  10. drewpy


    cool street entertainer
  11. KN'ell twat. I've chased cars on my pushbike before and caught them up at the lights. If they won't let me speak to them I smash their mirror as they obviously don't use it
  12. mike's dropped out, his missus has had some bad news, so there's a £10 ticket for you tommy, saves you £2 and can go straight in without queuing Bipps, you going? see you there Paul. no-one phone me yet, left it at work after a particularly long day there!
  13. this weekend is classic bike show at Stafford. I am going Sunday (hopefully with TommyXS) http://www.classicbikersclub.com/files/article_files/Stafford%20Show%20Map%20April%202013.pdf for those not been before IT'S MASSIVE!
  14. yea, Saw Rex and his missus. prob dead busy now with the publicity as not many peeps repair CDI and TCI's
  15. get an "engineer" to inspect the bike and confirm its identity by letter. had to do this for the tracker when I changed from 250 to 400
  16. drewpy

    Misfire or what?

    drain the float bowls too, as floaty gunk gets in there. check the little filter on the float valve. fit an inline filter
  17. cool pics, better to use photobucket and copy/past the link into your comments
  18. next experiment in space, how to wring Kevs neck! Idea sent in by a school in Bolton
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