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Status Updates posted by drewpy

  1. beef your still here mate

  2. I'm back and Knacked, good camp and got to meet our new intake for scouts in May Happy Easter All Buon Pasqua tutti

  3. off to little Bowley in an hour, hi de hi campers!

  4. guess who's just got 2 Rush tickets for 19th MAy?

  5. its all gone very quiet in Monton, MMM wonder why? HAHA

  6. well the weekends done, i've been bitten, scratched and have aching legs, Sounds like I had fun? you betcha. the scouts got their expedition badge and I got some great memories. here's to the next one

  7. just got back from ice skating with the scouts, that's after 4 hours cycling.. time.....for....be...d....zz..zzzzzzzzzzz

  8. A Dance With Dragons, out 12th July! The measure of Magic, out 30th August. I'm going to be busy reading for a few months

  9. back from a great camp, only 2 leaders camped, the rest are jessies!

  10. Having a great time at Bradley Wood. Good site

  11. 2MAD4 on friday whoohoo! hello tent my old friend...

  12. just dressed as luigi for work, the things i do for money!

  13. is tired, but happy. The Ellesmere talent show was a resounding success and we had some amazing acts on. youngest was 6, and the oldest was...ahem!! me

  14. game of thrones series is showing is on HBO 17th April. why can't we have it too?

  15. tomorrow is the district Talent night, Its gonna be good!

  16. just made some Grissini bread MMMM

  17. Hopes the distrct beavers,cubs, scouts and explorer are going to the Talent night next Saturday!!

  18. Black Spiders rocked tonight, my ears are stinging and I've gone deaf \o/

  19. just bought an 04 Zafira diesel, in sexy black. pick it up tuesday, so its the school bus to work for 2 days!

  20. my cars just died, blinking turbo has gone! They say everything comes in 3's so what's next?

  21. Is not very well, had a migrane and still feel like crap

  22. 3 days till black spiders

  23. seeing Black Spiders week monday! yeee ha! FUBS

  24. has got 2 free tickets for Glee Mania, luisa's excited!

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