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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. try some straight "Vincent" bars that may offer a compromise?
  2. hopefully I'll going again with my XS
  3. why don't you weld on nails and pull out with a slide hammer? that's what the body shop boys do, its easy and it may pull the dent completly if the metal ain't stretched.
  4. Early this morning at 1am my wife must have farted again. I know this as it felt like an earth quake. hope she didn't affect anyone else in the UK?!
  5. them's the guys, the kits are comprehensive and I got needle and the air corrector jets etc in mine. 80% of engine failures are due to electrics according the the AA. I figure that would be the easiest to eliminate first then go for a thorough carb clean (ultrasonic) and new carb kits from sirrius. I can't see why you would need a larger pilot jet due to weather, its altitude which affects carburetion (ie air density) and then there are not many roads 1000's of feet up. try a plug chop to confirm.
  6. there's someone in Leigh, lancs that has one and i met him last year at Lotherton Hall bike show. I'd have to see my friend who had some pipes made for him as i'm sure it was the same guy!
  7. check your condensor, by viewing the contacts (if you have them that is) if they are sparking, condensor gone.(happened to my friend who thought it carbs and it was 6k revs problem. sounds also like your pilot drillings are blocked as they operate the bike up to 4k. get a couple of carb kits from sirius online, they are in canada but excelent service. THey are also on ebay. try bikebandit.com for xs as they have tons of OEM stock
  8. don't know, unless you buy some time on a rolling road, which I don't think would be worth it unless its done for free.
  9. sometimes they had different jets for each side. could also be smaller to pass emissions test for type approval, so #45's could be for optimum performance
  10. these send your footpegs rear wards so you are more lying down than crouched. For the benefit of other readers; http://www.raask.se/ind-eng.htm a lot of peeps modify other, more modern bike's footpegs as they are basically rear sets. Also look at your frame and see if it has a similarity with say xs650 RD400 or sr500's that would be your starting point. (if you want to go that way of course) you are turning your bike into a cafe racer BTW! http://www.caferacermotorcycle.com/index.php
  11. Its the leaning on your wrists that get painful after a bit, you go faster and the the wind pushes on your chest relieving the pressure. also you may find the standard footests too far forward as you will be basically crouching as you ride. you may need RAASK rear-sets (
  12. Also check fuses, as they can corrode and prevent electrical contact. Take each one out and rub with wire wool on fuses and inside clips
  13. can't you sit further back on the bike instead?
  14. yep, that will help! My friend brought his bike round the other day for me to put on a new exhaust. he was knackered cause he had just pushed it 1/2 mile as it wouldn't start. yes you guessed it, the kill switch was turned to off
  15. drewpy


    sounds like the cable is dry. you need to buy a cable oiler and use it. Just check the cable is not chafing under the tank etc and this can let water in a rust the cable making it stiffer.
  16. the're called ace bars used on cafe racers. not comfortable at slow speeds. Bt45 are made by Bridgestone, i'm sure they are available in the US! I bought a c Spanner but had to grind it a bit thinner to fit the nut. just tighten to get the loosness out and no more!!
  17. try here http://www.mikuni.com/fs-carburetor.html http://www.bikecarbman.com here for fork springs http://www.bikerevival.co.uk/forks
  18. braces stuck in the car door trick usually works.
  19. loosen top nut (11) and clamps (12) around top stanctions. tighten #8 till no more movement, don't over tighten as you can load a ton weight upon the bearings. check that there is no notchiness now as the bearings will be running in their cups properly. re-tighten the top nut and then the tube clamps. those cables do look tight and I've never seen those daft handle bars on an xs500. get BT45 tyres, as they are the best for this type of bike drewpy
  20. drewpy


    I got my carbs cleaned professionally by JRS in swansea. Did a fantastic job and good communicator. check out his web site by googling JRS carbs. cost me £100 for 2 carbs
  21. check tyre pressures, steering bearings for notchiness, check they are not loose by rocking bottom of forks fore and aft. (nautical, but nice), wheel alignment with the rear wheel, check front wheel runout, check brake caliper is not sticking. let us know how you get on please, for other forum users drewpy
  22. drewpy


    woha! slow down Tamz, wer'e not a call centre and sat nights are for pubs and clubs. Is there any other symptoms like smoky exhaust, loss of power, spark plug is a light shade of brown? If the bike has been standing, its likely the petrol has evaporated in the carb and gummed up the tiny internal passage ways which will need shifting by cleaning. give us more to go on and you will get a better prognosis
  23. if you are feeling flush, use a pingel fuel tap
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