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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. Merv, the dvla won't even look at photocopies. best (and illegal) advice is to "lose" your licence and apply for a new one. then if it's wrong you can " find" your old one!!
  2. yes its got the same part number. only the mild cams offered to german markets are different.
  3. My friend is trying to get PJ1 17-brll silver and I want yamaha silver (17-svr), but PJ1 has sold off the paint business. Anyone know of any stockists?
  4. good one but i heard it before
  5. drewpy

    Handle Bars

    i would use a stanley knive as the blade is thin but strong
  6. eh? do you mean fork seals? just the one on each side under the dust cover, a bitch to take out if they are original, need heat and covered leverage to prevent the alloy top from marking! please do a search as I talked someone through this earlier this year
  7. shouldn't have any buzzing that's why. I suspect a sticking starter solenoid or a poor electrical connection somewhere. Use contact spray on all your connections. unless of course its the sound of your engine
  8. the mm quoted refers to the model carbs, to which the 250 is physically different from the 34mm ones and not just the venturi size, which incidentally, what Cy says is correct!
  9. drewpy

    dessert island

    A man is stranded in the desert and has not eaten or drunk anything for nearly 36 hours. He is about to die. Amazingly, as he stumbles through the sand, he comes to three market stalls. The man (half-thinking he must be hallucinating) approaches the first stall and demands: "I need water, sell me some water." "Sorry, Sir," replies the stall owner, "I only sell custard." The man, visibly taken aback, goes up to the second stall and again asks for water. "I'm afraid I only sell sponge cake and cream," replies the second stall owner. The man turns in disbelief to the final stall and begs "Please, I need water now or I'll die." "Sorry Sir, I only sell hundreds and thousands," replies the final stall owner. His fatigue momentarily forgotten the man demands: "You mean to tell me that the three of you all own market stalls in the middle of the desert and none of you sell water?" "I know, Sir," says the first stall owner, "it's a trifle bazaar."
  10. i like driving in the 6 -7k area as the engine smooths out then (70 -80 mph). BTW 7k is max power/torque for the engine although mine will pull to 10k (only 5 k into the red nice bike BTW
  11. too true, Ilike that one, got to pass it on....................
  12. drewpy

    doctors visit

    A bloke goes to the doctor, and says, "Doctor, I feel like I’ve got something lodged in my arsehole." So the doctor takes a look and says, "Yes you’re right, I can see something." He gets his tweezers and pulls out a £50 note. "What’s that doing in there," he asks the bloke. "Ive got no idea doc, but is there any more?" Armed with the tweezers, the doctor has another look. And pulls out another £50. Then a £100. Then £50, then £20, another £100, and so on for about 10 minutes. Finally he says "I think that’s the lot now." The bloke says "How much was there anyway?" The doctor totals it up and says, "There was £1980." The bloke thinks for a minute and says, "Yeah, that’d be about right. I wasn’t feeling too grand."
  13. xs250 carbs are 32mm, 360 and 400 carbs are 34mm as are the 750/850/1100
  14. its not the gas that is cleaner, its the sediment from your tank, the gas stations tank (especially after a tanker has delivered fuel) I never buy from a station if I see a tanker there!!
  15. drewpy

    Tiger Woods

    saw one of the directors checking out his newly delivered BM in the car park the other day. Said to him I saw him using the indicators and him thinking "that's the last time I use those", he said he also ripped out his rear view mirror as that was redundant. true ....too true!!
  16. I've seen xs400's for sale with the tank on so it can be done. If you can keep the vaccum tap on, keep it, otherwise go with the harley one and put an inline fuel filter on the fuel line. don't forget to blank off the vacumm pipe though! carbs are fine leave them if they work ok
  17. carb diaphramps are either cracked or the slide is sticking, this prevents it rising under vaccum and from dropping for idle!!
  18. if you have a smooth alloy points cover with plugs instaed of screw heads, you have TCI ignition. Ribbed with screws visible - points. check you are getting 12v to the suspect coil!
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