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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. roman lakes not far from linnet clough scout camp site. great area i think your supposed to stick a banana somewhere, to stop the pain!!
  2. maybe minnie the minx?
  3. drewpy

    new member

    martin, enjoy your stay with us, please note the fire exits , there ...and here..
  4. drewpy

    New Member

    to the YOC douth drewps
  5. I think you need to check the valve gaps. I doubt that cam timimg can slip as a chain can't physically jump a tooth whilst sitting in a garage!! could also be hydraulic lock! maybe the previuos owner poured a load of oil down the bores in preparation of storing it? take off the sparkies and gap the valves, than try again drewps
  6. A man approaches a farmer 1 day and asks him will he sell him his donkey foal, the farmer replies yes and they agree on a price of £500. The man then says that he will be round the next day to collect the donkey. The next day the man arrives to collect the donkey, and the farmer explains that the donkey has since died. The man says not to worry I’ll still give u £50 for it. The farmer is delighted with getting money for a dead donkey. The farmer asks the man why on earth he wants a dead donkey for. The man says that he was going to raffle the donkey off. The farmer says u can’t raffle a dead donkey to which the man says of course you can. A month or so later the farmer bumps into the man he sold the donkey too. He asks him how he got on with the raffle. Great replies the man, I sold the tickets for £5 and made over £1000 profit. The farmer asks, and what did you do when the winner saw that the donkey was dead? What do you think I done?? I gave him his fucking £5 back!!
  7. drewpy

    Another XS400

    to the forum the xs400 is popular in the US and Germany but less so here!! never mind it kinda makes it more exclusive
  8. some guy in Derby UK got some made years ago and I managed to get one. you should find that the xs750, 850 and 1100 share the same resevior.
  9. enjoy yourself WF and lets be careful out there!!
  10. thanks for that. I'm not really a skilled builder just pick it up as I go along. I make mistakes along the way, just keep at it till its right. BTW to the forum luke
  11. yep! you'll have to fiddle i'm afraid. Its an old bike so wont be perfect fuelling
  12. that's got to have a YB100 engine in there
  13. also www.ManP.co.uk
  14. its brass and the only way is to press it down, it wil open up the hole slightly but new needles will screw down to compensate
  15. the haynes 32mm is wrong, its 26mm +/- 2.5mm you will find all of the above problems will disapear!! you have left your balls on the floor!! there are 2 tiny balls in the front carb bodies which are held against a notch in the choke lever by tiny springs. best get your magnifying glasses out
  16. bloody french!! I remember when my father in law went to a car wash and forgot he had the sun-roof off (it was an old one which you can remove) and it pissed all over him 3 times. he he
  17. the measurement is when you take out the gasket and its from where the gasket sits. The float tang needs to depress the float needle so it just cuts off the the fuel flow (I blow to simulate fuel flow) that is when you check the float height. you can get kits for the petcocks, they come with diapram and special shaped "o" ring and other gaskets to do the job.
  18. should all be sorted now!!!
  19. Ok, we mods have had a discussion and as far we are concerned the post by scritty is just a chain email generated by people intent on stirring up divisions every time this is posted. This has been around since 2005 and although scritty may mean well, we have decided that the thread can reopen. If you want the full SP on this chain email, visit Snopes
  20. don't forget yor friends the mods when you get ur money
  21. drewpy

    hi i'm new

    mark from cornwall, enjoy your bike and don't hesitate to ask any question (after you've sesarch the forum first ) and we'll be too glad to help if we can drewps
  22. are you getting sparks? is there compression? did you check the floats where they just cut off fuel from the bottom of the carb gasket face to the upper most float? have you timed the ignition with a strobe? I still think there is a blockage in the carb if adding choke (ie more fuel) helps!! yam service manual states 26mm plus or minus 2.5 mm, fair bit to play with mmm!! should be able to tell the difference. could be related to an air leak you have somewhere or pilot system blocked!! no fuel should leak in res or run, so a repair kit is in order and check your vacuum line for leaks as well check the voltage with a charged battery @ 3k revs, should be about 14.5 to 15 volts, suspect voltage regulator if not Drewps
  23. just had a thought, the YOC could be sung to YMCA with similar actions....... "its fun to stay in the, Yam Owners club......"
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