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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. drewpy

    The Pirate

    OG you nicking my crapster jokes?
  2. not sure you have a cam belt, i think it's chain. have you got a manual for it? there may be one via the sticky in the classic section and look under pioneer web site. then check to see if there is a gasket needed drewps
  3. don't know the problem, but to the forum Matt
  4. didn't say caustic soda, i said baking soda
  5. disconnect the condensor. In fact, I used jap bullet connectors to install the box so if it did fail, I can reconnect the condensor and the coils to go back to points proper
  6. $60? not really, have you tried mole grips on the screw heads? sometimes you can get a purchase on them. also try sawing a groove in the head and use an impact slot driver!!
  7. you should have a paint code under the seat somewhere. There are 100's of different whites, and without dates, chassis number etc you won't get an answer.
  8. there's repair manual in a sticky, in the classic section
  9. I use a B&Q pressure washer with a sand blast attachment. did my hubs with those. sand gets every where and you need to get it cleaned afterwards. for my engine I'm going to use that baking soda home built sprayer, as the soda disolves in water!!!
  10. thats' assuming there is enough meat in there to drill and tap!!! the larger studs may be too big for the exhaust clamp
  11. the charging system needs a healthy 12v to excite the field coil. this has been mentioned quite a few times in other threads. I suggest you use the search facillity top right of the page. drewps
  12. did you check diaphrams like Jim said?
  13. drewpy

    Ultra Seal

    is there a tubed tyre version?
  14. I wear Aldi's finest had them 3 years now and the gear change pad is startinf to break up. put plenty of dubbin on them to keep the water out.
  15. you sir, are cruel!! I am so jealous why can't we have weather like that!!!
  16. drewpy

    cafe radian

    have you got a side view pikkie? you can always go the GRP way as there's loads of vendors in the usa like hot wing glass and omars drewps
  17. if you have "standards" and want the best, you need to get it lumiwelded and re-drilled and tapped. won't cost the earth as lumi weld is a low temp solution. drewps
  18. I carry a bit of oil, although my bottle leaked in the top box!! did you check the carb balancing as I drove at 70 for nearly 10 hours without anything comming off or leaking !!
  19. Ch850 nice project you got there
  20. I know speed sport have some as I bought one from them after asking if it fitted. It didn't but got my money back anyway, so a good company to deal with. they also trade on ebay
  21. drewpy

    NW200 the story

    well the ferry docks and we all wait anxiously in the hold and told to start the engines... bloody 'ell I can't hear mine and have to use the tacho to see if its started!! then we all file gingerly over the alloy decking avoiding the ribbing and metal cabling into a rainy Belfast. The weather is appalling and the visor soon steams up and i get a fly's viewpoint via the rain drops on my visor!! this rain x stuff needs to be applied every 100 miles or so methinks and so I ride 50mph on the M2 with the visor up and avoiding the bikes and cars streaming out of Belfast!! its 70 miles of this and the M2 goes to A26 then the M2 starts again from scratch and back to the A26 into colraine and bushmills. we phone Coyles at Bushmills and he comes to meet us in the works van doing a handbrake turn to face our direction and after the pleasantries he leads us off at 60 mph in the dark on a very bumpy C class road after a couple of miles we reach our destination, this picture was taken the next day. and we get to sleep in the Coyles Wright racing wagon after dropping off our stuff to dry out in the heated granny flat, Coyles introduces us to his lovely wife and two tiny daughters. Its hard to understand them with the broad NI accent and child like volcabulary but dave soon breaks the ice with stories of princesses etc. Then its off to the club for the craic!! when I say club, Mike told me it was a club so i brought trousers and a T-shirt and sketchers shoes. Coyles takes us into the middle of no-where picking up a friend, trevor, who I nick name "clever trevor" and we approach a farm yard with a sign "ONLY MOTORBIKES ALLOWED" its a car/bike park full of harley's and hyabusas etc with tents all around and a take a way van parked in the coutryard. this turns out to be an Illegal drinking den which Coyles is chairman. Dave and I feel like the guys in the film "wild Hogs" and I say don't touch the bikes dave or they'll fall over on one another! I could see us legging it down the counntry lane with 60 hells Angels after us wanting a piece of our ass!! here's the inside taken a day later!! its turns out that these guys are the best you can meet. They's just talk to you as though you have known then for years and even better, there are a couple of live bands on, 1 young group (16 year olds with ma and pa watching and tutting at the all the canabis being consumed) and a trio who did covers like whiskey in the jar, ac/dc etc brill, loud and spot on. I sunk a few pints before Mike turns up from the later ferry and he in turn starts buying the rounds. I can't remeber too much after that although I belive we got to bed about 4am!! here's the "wild Hogs" slowly sinking in their seats one character of note was an emaciated irish guy, with a bushy beard and smelled a bit, he was called Jesus Rat!! I kid you not. Aparantly he turns up to the party every year. This year, i was told, he was not as smelly!!! Jesus was play fighting with another guy and a dude next to us say's "watch this" and as soon as he takes off Jesus's hat, the guy just stopped what he was doing and sort of calmed down. Apparantly this is the way to control Jesus when he gets out of control I gets up at half seven with a cracking hangover and get outside to get fresh air and meet Coyle's who is going to the pits with his wife to set up the bike and gear. Coyle's mum comes round to look after the girls and I can't understand half of what she says. anyway we are all up and ready for the NW200 to be continued.....................................
  22. saw it last night, looks really sunny and bright on TV nice to see the rest of the track rather than Juniper chicane and York!
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