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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. glad to be of no help on this one well done you
  2. i thought it was tickling sticks
  3. looks a bit like the inside of my sleeping bag when i break camp!!
  4. still a lot of work there and to do properly would take that. do it over 2 years and you won't notice the expenditure! my 400 cost that to restore!
  5. another 2K to do it justice IF you are spend thrift
  6. get a new key and make a copy. there are numbers on the locks where you can get a new key from yam
  7. depends which country you live in, nothing in your profile or do we just give out martian vendors?
  8. tried new spark plug? are the plugs wet? have you knocked the cut off switch on the handle bars?
  9. anyone wanting to have a yamaha cup xs400 there are the monoquoque fittings on ebay at the mo http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=370383956881&ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:GB:1123 fairing http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=370383953768&ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:GB:1123 99euros, cheap kenny roberts on an xs400 yamaha cup
  10. you can't beat the official yamaha service manual. I have 4 haynes and 1 clymer (which i've never used) and generally use the haynes for mucky fingers and writing in, but always refer to the yam for torque settings etc
  11. they were too bloody fast to get anything, Coyles sent me a photo of him practising though. Hopefully Mike has some on his camea he can share!!
  12. they are called struts, the ones that replace the shocks you can get all sorts of different width fenders to suit here's an xs400 front on a rear
  13. drewpy


    can't download so you'll have to visit the site, but what a spectacle http://www.bbc.co.uk/northernireland/nw200/clips/p007pmrm
  14. nah, been done. we had a stall at the local steam fair selling dildo's. we even did a free fitting service!
  15. there is a circlip between the tacho gear and the body, flick that out across the garage and spend a day searching for it.... next day, pull the drive down and then push out the seal from the inside out. drewps
  16. you'll have to fish that chunk out anyways, get someone to weld it back in |I've seen this on a 250 engine i had knocking around, so your not on your own. put it down to experience you sad sweet dreamer!!
  17. K'nell, only adjust the chain at its tightest point ie you have to move the wheel and feel the chain to guage where it is. then adjust to that. You'll knacker the output bearing if you load it with a few tons of torque.
  18. did you try the clutch cable, that can run dry and take a while to return the clutch!! get it oiled up or renewed $300 for a bike! get it for $200 and you can use for parts if no good
  19. i think you need to put in some more colour keys to balance out the wheels. on the tank maybe? you need a spring seat for that and remove the rear fender mount for somethng less intrusive and use a front fender on the rear to mount your rear lamp setup good start, and keep it up!
  20. geez, another ledgend from my youth moves on RIP DIO have to get my rainbow rising LP on now
  21. bloody 'ell. I'm Jinxed. spent the last 2 days over in ireland due to the ash cloud. still got me job i hope had a great time though and the racing was good, my mate came 31st in the supersport race which was a good result. he even managed 171mph down the back which was only couple of MHP slower than than the big names. no fatalities thank god how ya all been, missed me? drewps
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