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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. obviously a mobile home and not of a fire engine
  2. tipex gets rid I tried 2 girls 1 cup and got a female streaker and football
  3. sorry Pat here's something from the emerald isle to calm your nerves. relax and take in the scenery
  4. TDC should be on the firing stroke, ie put your thumb over the sparky hole and feel compression. when you reach the T mark that's when you do the valves.
  5. Its like telling your parents your gay in predators language http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uA4Rvy_kNJQ
  6. the darby and joan club are having an LC roast, in Derby there's nowt I know of
  7. I'm happy and a yammy owner!! sotos palindrome
  8. this is great, a viral, but great http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=tippexperience try "A hunter is a bear".
  9. BWJ will enlighten us in his own imnitable manner
  10. built in japan 1977 by nikawax fucumonty, 5 previous owners and in 1988 a sex act was performed on the passenger seat, hence the tear and hard to remove stain! the air in the tyres was last checked using a guage using a manual air pump. if you want any more history let me know!!
  11. drewpy

    test x 4

    media button is circled red
  12. geez, what a bummer don't forget that whiplash injury will affect you for the rest of your life. don't forget SMIDSY then you can hit him back where it hurts glad your not too bad mate, try a chiroprctic, i had an accident in '92 and it came back to haunt me 10 years later, big style the chiropratic sorted it in a month
  13. kev, the top most bit of the browser (starts with http://www etc etc) highlight that and copy using right mouse button the media button looks like 3 little pages with a blue one on top. it only shows when your writing in the text box. It can be found to the right hand side. click that and right click inside the little box, then select paste, then OK
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHF1YbSqIXE&list=SL try this its got Fizzies in it
  15. the code works, hence the edit. but there's an easier way, nice one
  16. drewpy


    sweet, nice ride, i do like the plexiglass clutch (NK racing?) to the forum Nik
  17. nearly there, keep trying
  18. a little screwdriver you use to wire electrical plugs. Its small enough to get into the groove and flick it out
  19. sorted it kev, mustn't have copied all the code. My son loves that series "ultimate warrior"
  20. what you should have done is; loosen the lower allen bolt under the bottom fork. or it'll just turn the damper with the forks still in the bike and the wheel on, flick off the plastic cap and press the metal plug down (may need to use kinetic energy to start it(a mallet) as they corrode there. with the cap pressed down against the fork spring (its hard) get the missus to use a terminal driver to dislodge the clip ( it'll ping off so do it in a garage) CAUTION; be careful as the cap may jam and then suddenly let go the first one i did, i had to give to an engineers who turned out the cap on a lathe as it was that corroded in! if you can understand how I did the above, maybe you can work out a way of getting that cap moving with damaging the damper rod! maybe re-fitting temporaily back into the lower fork?
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