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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. this poor woman has a wooden leg, and needs support god that dance is attractive!!
  2. I found a deleted scene from the green zone, enjoy
  3. got undertook today by a couple of cyclists. must be losing my touch
  4. I do what yamaha tell me to do. i think you do use locking on con rod bolts
  5. drewpy

    1000 th post

    eh! whats wrong with Yul Brinner? Kojak? nothing, 70's heros and thats where I'm at even the smilies have no hair
  6. at least you know oil is getting to the camshaft that side! the seal does tend to leak a little bit, the smoke will be caused by a faulty valve seal which sits around the valve stem, they tend to go hard and leak. this will prevent a clean start up with the bike left standing, but clears after it runs a bit! points should be dry as they are electrical make sure the advance mechanism is lubed up so the bob weights can move freely
  7. same as builders, i used to pay them to do stuff, realised how easy it was and did it myself. I'd just nip in to a garage and say its just happened "can you have a listen", note what they say and fix it yourself. could be little end gone or something loose. 2 strokes are simple beasts so it not too hard to do.
  8. drewpy

    new member

    godge pull up a chair and have a drinky poos! a few dodgy members reside in those far away places. no doubts they'll ach the nooing soon!
  9. drewpy

    1000 th post

    a mile stone eh Kev, well done. keep scribing and the 2k will be yours one day this is just the start methinks
  10. drewpy

    YOC patch

    can members please pay now?
  11. drewpy

    wooden sheds!!

    nets,you need to lag the shed, use that foam stuff you get for attics, its the relativly warm air (with water in it) that meets the cold (shed walls and bikes) and condenses on them!
  12. drain fuel out, keep tyres pumped hard and off ground if poss. I have an oil heater that goes next to the bike. mervin has a little one for his do those little jobs now or you will forget them come spring. battery on optimate or throw it away and get a new one in 4 months time! ACF-50 everything like gas says. cover rbike with blanket/sheet that's all i do
  13. drewpy

    scary bakery

    would you eat this? scary bakery
  14. keep taking the rat poison Dave
  15. did they actually go anywhere? mostly standing around and posing for pictures
  16. drewpy

    Winter hack

    found this for you Dave, great for winter hacking...
  17. this is a real invoice form a fellow poster on the chopper underground. it was a heart attack, luckily he had insurance and only had to pay the smaller amount!
  18. you won't make it back mate!
  19. scary stuff http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnyT7PHSvxE&feature=player_embedded
  20. drewpy

    Winter hack

    better than being ignored OT
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