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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. bet that dog slept well that night! thanks for sharing
  2. Finished another night in pantoland. Great night and even a bit of adlibing

  3. its great to hear the actual collapse of the roof. the UK reporters yap yap yap over everything which does my head in anyway here it is in glorious unedited collapse there is supposed to be someone running away at 22 secs damned if i can see him
  4. I'm sure we have been there at some stage, but watch out, there is a new doghouse about... <embed src="http://c.brightcove.com/services/viewer/federated_f8/1543292789" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" flashVars="videoId=3130509001&playerId=1543292789&viewerSecureGatewayURL=https://console.brightcove.com/services/amfgateway&servicesURL=http://services.brightcove.com/services&cdnURL=http://admin.brightcove.com&domain=embed&autoStart=false&" base="http://admin.brightcove.com" name="flashObj" width="486" height="412" seamlesstabbing="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" swLiveConnect="true" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash"></embed>
  5. Nice Bike Dave, no probs with the patch I managed to shift all but 1. I'll keep it warm for you when you buy yer next yam
  6. best thing to do is make sure the bike's clean and well maintained. Always take it to the same MOT centre. talk to the Operator, tell him you'll see him next year! My MOT takes 5 mins, brakes, lamps, swing arm, horn, tyres. here's to another 12 months. He told me he's sick of the scooter brigade with dirty unloved hacks, he goes to town on them to make sure they are safe for the litle darlings!!
  7. that kwacker sound was awsome, especially when it cleared on the longer run.
  8. for 100 miles its boring and dangerous on that route
  9. well Guys, its put up or shut up time. How many are wanting to camp for the NW200? Mike has got in touch with Coyles and he needs to know how many are comming.
  10. Gas is right, Manchester to Carlise is booorrrringgg we broke off a few times and went the A6 way. I didn't enjoy Carlisle to Stranraer either, as it was 1 (very)long traffic jam.
  11. the frame is what registers the bike, get it on SORN asap, it costs nowt but will cost if you don't! Pain in the arse, typical whitehall tossers
  12. there's a great Caff in Larne, try the Ulster Fry. Mike couldn't finish it
  13. I forgot about that...
  14. I think you will need a bit more than a weekend where you live. When I went to the NW200 from manchester it tool 11 hours of hard riding with 2 hours of ferry crossing from stranrar. I went thursday night and spent the night in dumfries to break up the journey!
  15. I seen this somewhere else?......
  16. Virago spring to mind, you can go up to 1100 CC's
  17. drewpy

    O So Quiet

    jobs great thanks, its less stressul than the last one. doing a golden wedding next sat for sir Alan cocksure and lady do dah, money no object that should be fun. aye squires was brill, still trying to get mike to contact Coyles so we can camp at the club for NW200!
  18. The continuous insurance enforcement scheme will provide a new fixed penalty for people who ignore official reminders that their insurance has expired. This will apply to vehicles that are not declared as being off the road through SORN (Statutory Off Road Notification) and not insured. Continuing offenders will risk having their vehicle seized and destroyed. Where a motor vehicle isn't used on a road or other public place, there’s no requirement to purchase insurance cover for 'on road risk' as long as a SORN declaration has been made. The continuous insurance enforcement scheme is expected to come into force during 2011. more information http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Motoring/OwningAVehicle/Motorinsurance/DG_067639
  19. sad to hear that mate, don't forget folks there's a new law comming out that you either have insurance or SORN. either lapses and you get a fine. more info here
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