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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. drewpy

    Tzr 50

    might get away with a "spoon" to get the dent out. go speak with a body shop, they may do it for you for £20 if you ask nicely and on the QT
  2. drewpy

    Tzr 50

    get a photobucket account(its free) Paste in the IMG tagged link (of the pikkie)in there, into the text box and let the html do its stuff
  3. rock on tommy, good resto there mate
  4. drewpy

    Tzr 50

    need to show us the dent and I can see what you need. I weld a nail head on the tank and use a hammer puller to pull the dent out.
  5. why you posting this again?
  6. great adventure, reminds me of a talking heads song......
  7. drewpy

    Tzr 50

    I'd repair the tank, you can dent pull the thing (or someone else can) modern two stroke oil is fine, why do you think its not?
  8. drewpy

    Bikers !

    nice one, edited so its visible without clicking
  9. drewpy


    you don't have one, its all paved, PAVED I TELL YA!
  10. drewpy


    Vez, you could always volunteer to be a scout leader? especially if you oversee the scout section as you get to go on great holidays, meet like minded positive people and nurture young people into adult hood. Very satisfing and you can give as much time as you want. It also fits in with motorbikes as we have 3 leaders who have bikes! look at our website
  11. this is amazing, never knew this was possible http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWv0C4mMUYE&feature=related
  12. fascinating bike and some great home fabrication
  13. Ewan Pratchets the man, but Terry brooks or Peter Brett is the best
  14. new guy, talking 'bout new guy new guy, new guy, new guy! I got sunshine...
  15. it'll pick up the radio frequency off the ignition system as a pulse to count the revs.
  16. I'm from Eccles, so you get me and OT near you. when the weather breaks we can go for a ride out
  17. is it me, or was all the other blokes reading something else in that reply
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