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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. what are you on Patricia?
  2. I think you will find she was looking at me when she said that
  3. they'll go down in price in 6 months
  4. Joe. I'd rather be an alive serious bike meself
  5. I now know where the Girls division sewing class is, so i put on my puppy dog eyes, act stoopid and the teachers will fix it for me OG, you stud muffin you!
  6. was on the outside lane of the motorway today (in the car) and this Pug in front saw a coach blow its turbo nearside lane and stood on the frikking brakes!. Luckily I had the wits( and the distance) to react. mind you seconds later (when we would have been clear of the stricken coach)there was a cloud of smoke and a jet of fire out of the exhaust, looked good that did. I imagine the turbo was using the engine oil as fuel, till that runs out....
  7. MMM from the title, I thought it was a sex tape
  8. this is a cracking idea, why didn't i think of that!
  9. wadda ya mean, your always lost with it!!
  10. that'll be the London Eye-full
  11. yea, in Donegal sunbed centre!
  12. you'll extolling the virtues of Rebecca Black next that's really popular wiv yoof an all innit!
  13. congrats mate! buy your biking gear NOW! trust me, the next slot will be in 15 years time!
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