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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. This show looks great as it has 3 shows in 1 classic, Custom and new bikes round the corner from me too I'll be there 18th March http://www.classicsh...ait_working.pdf
  2. are they the same as an xs400 cap? Yamaha used parts bins fairly regularly and some of the xs and sr range used the same parts. until you post a picture, none of us can help much.
  3. sounds like the rings have freed off then. Its called Italian servicing. giving the bike some welly.
  4. I would say yes. There is a built in labyrinth in the cover which matches up with the gasket. Its to catch heavy oil deposits and sends them back down when the engine is stationary
  5. drewpy

    Kevlar jeans

    good info, I came off at 30 in normal jeans but rolled, so only got grazed knee, fractured L3 and a broken arm. The knees where more painful than the broken arm and they weren't deep!
  6. there is an s on there but that is a suzi s
  7. stuck piston rings or worn bore! there's also a possibility the valve stem oil seals have failed as my exhaust smoked when 1 did. the only caveat is that cam seal oil pressure
  8. not under pressure like that, Pat. a wee dribble like what your missus says
  9. BTW the little S on the gear lever bolt is correct and original
  10. I see i was close then. its the bear costume that gave it away
  11. did you use lots of oil when building the engine? could be it just needs a good run. I'm a bit concerned that mist is pouring from the end cam. This suggests worn bores to me, generating too much crank pressure. the piston rings may have stuck, which a good run will cure. double check oil levels are not too high (overfilled, and which could be gas in the oil from leaky carbs)
  12. that's the beauty of steel and welding, I've got loads of flush (ie snapped) studs out, even 1 was 5 mm inside the alloy. I just built up the weld first, then finished with the nut.
  13. he saw it was a young chap and decided to brow beat him into believing it was his fault. I just wanted to twat the guy, mainly for his attitude.
  14. Paul funny enough was in Warrington last night picking up a PC for my son. do you work at Ikea?
  15. looks like a drill job to me. grind flat first. or if you bottle it, spark erosion! could also try to weld a nut on there (won't stick to ally) and the heat generated may loosen the bolt's grip and allow you to turn the welded on nut!
  16. see your into modelling, we had the model exhibition on this weekend at Event city near the Trafford center
  17. .....and shake it all about.....
  18. ... and the movie. I can see it now... Pat's pit bike paradise
  19. drewpy

    anyone know

    this chap put full disco all over the bike! More than twin i think, don't you agree?
  20. might have been restored then? you never know
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