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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. they had plates which were pop riveted on the frame rail near headstock
  2. drewpy

    Fz600 Gulf

    your a bit far though, prob cheaper to get it in the UK.
  3. drewpy

    Fz600 Gulf

    I'm after a voltage reg/rec for the new engine as its a different setup. anyone have a sh650a-12 VR? its fitted to loads of bikes
  4. drewpy


    got it for my Birthday. its about £40 but you get training and a certificate. depending on how you do, you get signed off in different areas so next time you go just work on those.
  5. drewpy


    went to Manchester Airkix on Friday and had a few pictures done I would recommend it to anyone, you float on a cushion of air and its nice a warm too anyway here are the pics at the end he takes you up higher and spins you round and then drop, great fun and similar to the way a helicopter feels
  6. the FZ did that and it turned out to be the fuse box connections, even though they felt secure. I also had a fuse melt but connection was made by arcing across the fuse
  7. yes they did, so that's it then? there is a box at the top which says they will send a message about the outcome of each vehicle notification submitted. I think I'll wait till tuesday and resubmit then just in case they throw up something else (i'm not disturbing a potential hornets nest) DVLA have not asked for anything else and have checked my V55/5 (put red circle round the asterix in the VIn number for instance)
  8. that's why I didn't do one in the first place. the certificate of origin says that FFS! thanks to Blackhat I completed the form online telling as much as I know, had to make a few assumptions and now have an acknowledgement with a notification reference number. see in a few days, at least VAT owed is nil.
  9. Just to clarify, there will be no "personal" changes to the tees. we get a standard one as its impossible to swop/add lettering around and keeps the cost down. This has already been mentioned, hence the poll. I'm happy to go what the majority say and the majority agree with me anyway
  10. did you make sure the fuses are secure including under the fuse box?
  11. bollocks, didn't complete a NOVA and the twats want one now. how the hell can I complete one when I don't know when and who imported it. has anyone got any links or advice how to proceed?
  12. cheers foams, next time maybe
  13. I bought a wardrobe pole holder from B&Q tonight, fits perfectly
  14. still got to get it registered then fit the spanny and then dial in the carb settings. not sure if I'll go on it, I'll see nearer the time
  15. 'Action Park was the site of several fatalities in just the first five years of operation' - Cannonball Loop: The infamous Cannonball Loop (pictured below) was the park’s biggest failed attraction, but it’s sheer audacity in concept has given it legendary status in amusement park lore. At the time, Great American Recreation was experimenting with new attractions. At Action Park, attraction experimentation sometimes meant abandoning convention. In the case study of the Cannonball Loop, the convention which was abandoned appeared to be physics. The design was extreme and bordered on the fantasy. Testing did not go well. Dummies exited the pipe missing limbs; one came out in two pieces. If there was suspicion of poor design, it was confirmed when a hatch had to later be added to the loop to remove riders who got stuck. Debris and rocks would collect at the bottom of the loop, creating a sandpaper-like surface. Those who dared make the plunge suffered terrible cases of slide rash. Employees were offered $100 to test the outlandish slide, but few dared accept the offer. Said one employee who gave it a go: “$100 did not buy enough booze to drown out that memory.” read more here http://sometimes-interesting.com/2014/02/07/there-was-nothing-in-the-world-like-action-park/ Horror stories here http://www.buzzfeed.com/danm3/35-horror-stories-that-prove-action-park-was-the-6wr
  16. did the port matching on the Gilera, 1 hp extra on that is like 15% of total HP
  17. this one brings a little tear to the eye
  18. drewpy

    Fz600 Gulf

    managed to get one £81 delivered you can tell the Gilera's finished now
  19. comes with the Halfords kit unless you have a particular deep spark plug recesses I have box spanners for that
  20. a rubber mallet is in-dispensable too, great for putting in wheel axles, recalcitrant parts and loosening barrels/clutch covers stuck with age. the most ones I use are: Halfords 1/4" metric socket set torque wrenches x 2 to cover the diverse torque range 10mm and 13mm spanners x 2 12mm 17mm 8mm spanners various different screwdrivers as each head has different sockets Allen keys impact driver heavy hammer tack hammer
  21. aww bless, such a nice thought....
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