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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. drewpy

    XJ600 Project

    nice,you'll need it over winter, now there's no excuse
  2. didn't take many picksas the phone battery doesn't hold much charge and I needed it for,well, a phone!! had a scare on the way to Cadwell, my gloves were still wet and with the wind chill, my fingers cramped so I flattened on the grips and must have let the throttle go as the bike decelerated. then I saw the tacho on zero,( oh shit) and I came to a halt must be battery/fuses stripped off all the luggage and twiddled the fuses a bit went to turn the ign back on and noticed I'd pressed the rocker switch of the Run button yea it started, but imagine I'd not noticed and the AA turned up and flicked the switch on after 2 hours waiting! setting up version 1 YOCAA making a happy moment 1/2 way on the ride out drinky poos AndrewElvis selfie at Cadwell
  3. good nick that from the pics!
  4. nice find Slice, should be a good project
  5. well I'm back bloody knackered but had a great sesh at Cadwell. thanks for a great weekend guys, couldn't have done it with out you all : I'll get me head together and sort some picks out and the "Trouble with Tommy" video première later
  6. I got a welder, if you want to come round to mine rather than maccy D's kev's going sat morn and not heard from OT!
  7. getting excited now, put new clutch plates in tonight and runs better. just need to get some 600mm bungees for the seat pack, tent purchased now
  8. good call Kev, better than a seized engine
  9. drewpy

    19080 250xs

    bit busy till monday now (squires prep, new clutch plates installed) will have a looksey and see what I got
  10. drewpy

    19080 250xs

    keep at it, I still got a few spares for the xs250/400 (no forks though) and looking to get rid of them if you want to pay postage.
  11. that's a bummer, did you get it in writing or only verbal?
  12. I'd do a plug chop to be on the safe side
  13. they race the older ones tat spa! good buy
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