i think you need to setup the front end for side car use too.
which means the handling will be horrible if you manage to attach one and end up in more trouble then without.
I took my 10yr old son on my bike a few times and he loved it, never took to bikes though but hopefully he'll remember it in a good way.
So long as they can rest their feet on the rear pegs, your ok. Kids are much more relaxed than us parents (my mates boy fell asleep on the back na d I had to shout to wake him up)
I've booked camping Matlock on the 4th and 5th at square and compass is anyone wants to join me.
I still have the route on sat nav you guys did last time as I didn't get to do it.
stay friday and sunday there (unless you want to go home Sunday after a days ride), ride out on saturday to the Wooler area which is a bit more involved but takes in Kielder, castles, lindisfarne etc too.
found this in Carlisle https://www.premierinn.com/gb/en/hotels/england/cumbria/carlisle/carlisle-central-north.html?INNID=CARGOS&ARRdd=28&ARRmm=08&ARRyyyy=2020&NIGHTS=1&ROOMS=1&ADULT1=2&CHILD1=0&COT1=0&INTTYP1=DB&SID=4&ISH=true&BRAND=PI&CID=GHF_GB_GoogleSearch_desktop_CARGOS&gclid=CjwKCAjwmf_4BRABEiwAGhDfSYkuxwF-MO1f0raSg0OMh62cmKK3rAJq5tmrxc4u1-6VBLE8UJXYnhoC4I4QAvD_BwE
I know slice is wanting hotel /B&B what do peeps think?
can we have a show of hands who up for this?
I think if we use the routes I found it will be a dual stay affair (carlise and Wooler and Wooler back to carlise ) unless anyone else has any other ideas?