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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. Simon you need the link within photobucket, not the top line address Viola!
  2. If you don't find anything, I'd pull the clutch cover off and check that the starter gear to the clutch basket is not loose, that makes a noise. Also the pin behind the basket wears too. do a search on the forum for easy fix for top end make sure the camchain tensioner is working
  3. did you upgrade your browser? tried firefox?
  4. that's because its a Q regarding the forum, your welcome So you upgraded your computer and then blame the site 8.1? I'm sticking with 7 till that version settles down. probably find there may be an update coming for you. Did you try upgrading the browser?
  5. mine's ok, must be your computer
  6. normal service will be resumed asap
  7. drewpy

    Heated Grips

    good job too as I don't like cold hands
  8. to the forum Mervin is from Devon, I used to live in Combe Martin many moons ago
  9. you still got to spend a week with me camping Tommy
  10. that's bad, wonder if the bolt was high tensile?
  11. really funny, well worth the length
  12. turned out really good, well done
  13. easy did a search on the forum...... etc etc BTW do you need an original Yam new clutch cable as I bought on in error for the 600s PM me if interested
  14. brilliant, like him to do that with a long bow though
  15. does your shock look like this?
  16. but its a lot easier to drain off the oil than trying to reuse/buy the sealing washer
  17. sounds interesting and can save stripping the sump plug Quick Valve http://www.quickvalve.co.uk/f106_details.htm
  18. this is in Scarborough Oliver’s Mount programme will go ahead as follows 11 -12 April Racing both days 20 – 21 June Static displays and rally in bikers village 20th Racing 21st 18 – 19 July Racing both days 12 -13 September Racing both days
  19. could be a valve timing issue, ignition timing or carb is too rich causing the unburned fuel to ignite
  20. sounds good and will benefit others as well as yourself
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