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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. there's over 800 pictures in the general gallery and nothing in your personal one. I'm not spending 1/2 hour looking for a picture
  2. I like it tommy, especially the shade of Blue you can get good results if you take your time, just look at the KH125 I did with spray cans!
  3. none of those wires are standard and looks like they've bypassed the fuse box! you need a multimeter and check what's live, and if there are any continuity on the bare wires
  4. It can't be the engine, its transmission related
  5. does it depend on revs or road speed. ride with the clutch in over 15 mph and see if it still knocks
  6. try this One https://www.facebook.com/groups/506768789355314/ TBH there are loads on facebook, just get a northwest one
  7. Capt, I'd try Facebook first. I've got some deals on there through the pages and its been positive for me. Where are you getting the new bike from? P+O in Eccles have some stock and have a good rep at servicing bikes (esp Yams) would it be cheaper to get a loan rather than finance as at least you'll own the bike rather than "borrow it" from the finance company? anyway, It'll do you good to cycle to work for a few months and get fit for the season if you sell the YBR If I got a newish bike I think i'd go for the MT-01
  8. seen that, its a good one
  9. you really need to get a member round to have a look if your unsure. you don't put where you are within the UK so its difficult for peeps to offer advice over the forum update your location
  10. drewpy


    must be a security "feature" of the new upgrade, why not ask "Cortana"
  11. drewpy

    Fz600 Gulf

    the ride height will be adjusted via the dogbones when the bike is together the r6 is about right and has the added benefit of rebound adjustment
  12. drewpy

    Fz600 Gulf

    got some wrecked dogbones off ebay for £4 so I can check if they fit yipee, they do fit so all i need to do now is work out the ride height when the bike is together and either use standard YVPS dogbones or get some shorter ones
  13. Stop sniffing Capt doing my head in I used to work at MMU and cycled down that road for 7 years. the worst bit was the main road after the M602.
  14. part of the celebrations apparently, supposed to stop live fireworks lodging in you
  15. nice fireworks you say,till they point them at the crowd, ouch. good bit of dancing too
  16. very flash, might be detuned for licence?
  17. drewpy

    Fz600 Gulf

    there's no red there its only in the picture! it could be the laser the phone uses to auto focus and exposure
  18. drewpy

    Fz600 Gulf

    did a bit more today, noticed that the lower crank looked bodged so took it to kickstarter motorcycles in manchester for them to have a look. turns out its body filler took it back home and prayed that it was only the post that had gone and not the crank itself. after a tense 10 mins using a wire brush drill attachment, i finally breathed and it was just the post that had been bodged so i tooki it back to KSM and he welded it up in a few hours. so I went to manchester city centre 3 times today, luckily its only 10mins if the traffic's clear red in the photo for some reason on this one
  19. here's another link, one that you can see
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