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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. took her out of hibernation today, fired right up after 3 kicks
  2. drewpy

    Day dreaming

  3. check the starter gear where it connects to the clutch basket mine was loose Also the oil pump drive behind the clutch basket gets a bit worn and a leyland mini door pin sorts that out. do a search on the site for the mod.
  4. https://uk.pinterest.com/jaymiolla/tom-selleck-waterfall-sandwich/
  5. its only 5 mins away, just keep your right toes on the rest then you won't be tempted. Oh and I have a pressy for you from Oldtimer
  6. drewpy

    Betty is gone

    onwards and Upwards. When you put your soul into something, it does make a sad day when circumstances say you have to sell it.
  7. bring it round tomorrow afternoon Capt, about 1pm
  8. drewpy


    I cycled as my only means of transport for 5 years. this was the same route Captf does now. the biggest issue were cars speeding past me an inch from my handle bars, a few have had their cars whacked (if they got that close for me to reach they are too close at those speeds) never had an accident though and am quite road savvy.
  9. latest episode...mysteries deepen
  10. take it to a rolling road, there's no magic panacea we can offer, each bike behaves differently. why are they so expensive? usually about £40
  11. and CMS are gen Yam and they'll have bought up the last of the stocks and know what's in demand, they charge accordingly
  12. drewpy

    I'm an idiot!

    battery is fully charged this morning Captf so I'll bring it round after work. just having a crafty 5mins on the PC
  13. ..and cut the grass at the same time
  14. drewpy

    I'm an idiot!

    be careful bumping some bikes (triumph), it kills the starter clutch, even with a sluggish battery because of kickback
  15. heat shrink will eventually close up and kill the engine, might be funny or it might go tits up pulling out of a junction!!
  16. I do like Henry Cole and Sam whotshisname so this looks interesting http://www.radiotimes.com/episode/dhhc8s/shed-and-buried--series-1---episode-2
  17. no probs, battery is still charging and optimate says there's no sulphating so it may just need a good charge
  18. that's a bummer, i've welded nuts with flush studs but never recessed
  19. drewpy

    Sr125 1997

    I've made lugs with Plastec. You get this silicone putty which when cold is hard, heat it up with boiling water and make a mould from the opposite number. transfer to the broken side and use the powder plastec stuff and let it set. simples
  20. might be just locked in there, I think that was what Paul was saying. maybe the chain is too worn. Can you pull more than 1/2 link actually when its on the rear sprocket? has the brake lever dropped because return spring come undone?
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