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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. drewpy

    twix of doom

    had to share this true story.... (not me BTW) 'Twix of Doom' from the question, 'Rude Food'. My first girlfriend and I were together for about two and a half years. A few weeks before we split up we went on a short break to Cartmel in the Lake District, renting a cottage from my auntie's boss. We had a nice time there, wandering around the priory, eating toasted teacakes and crumpets in a small tea shop, but a more deviant event was on the horizon. 'Would you eat something out of me?' she asked one evening. I confess I was rather bewildered and wondered what she could mean: A banana? Some chocolate? A pie? I suggested these things and she decided that a Twix would be a good idea. The next morning we walked to the local Spar shop and, being a chivalrous type, I allowed her to choose her Twix. As the chocolate was slightly soft I suggested that we should maybe put it into the freezer for a while so that it wouldn't melt in a flash (amongst other things) and she agreed. 'I'm ready,' she said late that evening. She went upstairs before me while I retrieved the Twix from the freezer, following in her footsteps moments later. When I reached the bedroom she had already undressed and was lying on the bed, her legs apart. For a moment I wondered how I was going to do this: do I actually remove it from the wrapper or do I shove the whole lot in? Do I put one finger in or both of them? I didn't want to ask as I felt this would just make her nervous and would hardly instil confidence in the poor girl as she lay there, legs akimbo, about to be penetrated by a chocolate bar. I decided to insert a single finger and opened the wrapper, suddenly noticing that the chocolate was covered in a slightly grey sheen of condensation having been in the freezer all day, and was also as hard as a pavement, my thumbnail failing to leave an impression when I tested it. 'This is going to be cold,' I warned before introducing the Twix. She gasped as it slid inside and I left about an inch of it sticking out. For a moment I looked at the rather ridiculous and mildly scary sight before me, before bending down and biting off about half of the exposed finger of Twix. Without warning the whole thing vanished inside her. Gone. I panicked, completely baffled, wondering what I should do. I didn't think it would be The Done Thing to prise apart her labia like a mechanic lifting a bonnet before rummaging around inside, so I just lay there, staring, wanting to cry for a moment. And then a thick, brown liquid began to ooze from her pubis. Terrified that it would ruin the sheets – which, after all, were not ours – I thrust my hand between her thighs and caught the melted chocolate as it dribbled out, but my hand quickly filled and I was then forced to consider what I was going to do with a hand full of rather hot melted Twix as I could hardly say 'just crimp yourself off, love – I need to go and wash my hand,' so screwing my eyes shut I licked it off my hand while my other one was slowly filling. Then, just as I thought it couldn't get any worse, the biscuit base popped out, completely, eerily clean, stripped bare of chocolate and caramel, like an albino penis. I pulled it out and, hands full of chocolate, quickly ate it while I awaited for her sugary genital deluge to stop. I don't think I've eaten a Twix since.
  2. drewpy


    wonder if the VJMC will date it?
  3. drewpy


    I can find this/ I would suggest joining and asking (after an intro) http://www.tomcc.org/Dating.aspx
  4. 29th March Rougleys Easter Egg Run Leaving Tesco in Portwood and travelling to Francis House, Didsbury then onto the Together Trust in Cheadle to deliver easter Eggs. Route is learner friendly and all Bikes, Scooters and Trikes are more than welcome. If you cannot manage to come on the run with us, come down and see us off. P.S. Don't forget your Easter Eggs for the kids! venue: Leaving Tesco, Portwood, Stockport, SK1 2BT at 12 noon facebook unfortunately I can't go, as on a scouting event Captf go mate its really good and easy to get to
  5. sounds like the carbs need a strip and clean. peeps swear by seafoam as that can clean out some crud.
  6. nice bikes what my fz600 is based on too
  7. drewpy

    Sr125 1997

    you need two pack, but its cianide too, so spray carefully and with respitory gear or get someone to do it for you
  8. Hey foams, I messaged you I have an XJ tank in the loft exterior's good but the inside needs de-rusting and poss lining
  9. def need a smaller tank foams. needed to balance out the rear
  10. I'm walking round on Sat afternoon with a few mates, see you there!
  11. drewpy

    Shed and Buried

    mm, trying to be American pickers I think. I'm not that taken by it yet as they seem to just rely on their network of friends to "find" these things. when that dries up, what's next?
  12. some peeps use a divining stick, used to find water but answers all sorts of questions too
  13. a shallow hollow bolt and weld inside, then weld on a head
  14. drewpy

    Project Jennifer

    some cracking candy paint jobs doing the rounds now
  15. I'm going to get insurance first, but It'll have to wait till April (see "I'm in the doghouse" thread)
  16. drewpy

    Project Jennifer

    noisy rider, keep it as original chop as poss and it should look cool
  17. ha ha, I'll stop next time I come past.
  18. wow, very nice and a great meet
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