2024 Merry Christmas and a Happy New 2025
Happy Ne year Guys
79 xs250
If I remember correctly an axle bolt fits the rotor. do it up tight and shock it off with a hammer
rebuilt a few xs400's
Hi everyone
MT-03 660 - Drive Sprocket Removal
I would use a heat gun as there may be thread lock on there and should help undo. I've had to jump on my breaker bar in the past
Yamaha ty175
sorry but this section is for form issues not bike issues. I'll move it to the relevant section.
Color scheme for 1977 XS500 …
Color scheme for 1977 XS500 …
https://www.motorcycleclassics.com/classic-japanese-motorcycles/classic-yamaha-motorcycles/1978-yamaha-xs500e-zmmz14ndzkel/ close
Hi, I am Jack and I live in Sri Lanka
XVS 125 drag star, newbie learning...
glad your bonding though, doing your own work can be very satisfying as you care more for your baby than anyone else can. If you can get those mesh covers on your seat, it should stop any pooling of water and hopefully keep you drier in the crotch area if that's what is happening
Back to Yamaha.
tracer sounds perfect
Color scheme for 1977 XS500 …
try these guys, check out the tank and side covers https://www.cmsnl.com/yamaha-xs500-1977-1h3-europe-1h228-198e5_model37276/partslist/0038.html
Hello from Norway …
xs500 is a curious bike for sure, I think by the D model the head cracking was sorted
Need advice for a Hayabusa...
I've no idea, have a picture search on google and see what looks great then drill down into the specs
I can’t work out what is wrong with my Dt125
2 stokes need to back pressure to seal the incoming charge. whacking in the fuel via choke is just masking it. you need to carry out a plug chop, to ascertain the correct mixture and have a load of mains and pilot jets to change fuel delivery.