Man, I hate to sound like an asshole, but dude, it's your Projector lenses. The way a projector lense works is that it focuses the light in a specific area, and if you hit even the smallest bump in the road it's going to make your low beams "flash" if you will, because thats causing that tight beam of light to bounce up at your fellow riders. That's why they say that it seems like you are flashing your headlights at them. No matter what you do there is nothing that's going to fix that. Whenever I'm riding with my buddies, they usually ask me whats up because they thought I was flashing them. But now they know it's the projector headlights. Trust me, there aint NOTHING wrong with your headlights. Even notice on a high end car, whenever they hit the throttle, the lights from their projector lenses gets brighter or even changes color (usually to a purpleish or blueish color, which is what mine does. With my bike if I standing still or if you are watching me come at you down a super smooth road and a higher vantage point then my beams look SLIGHTLY blueish. But if I hit the throttle, the lights show a BRIGHT BRIGHT white. They only "flicker" or "Flash", if you will, because the light beam coming from your headlights is so tight an focused at a specific distance ahead of you, that whenever you hit even a slight bump, or even crank back on the throttle a tiny bit, it's gunna look like your lights are flashing them. Nothing you can do, unless you completely custom fabricate a new headlight housing using old fashioned "reflector" style lighting, where the bulb sits surrounded by a reflector (rather than being behind a round piece of glass, like your projector lights are). But I wouldn't recommend that, because you will greatly sacrifice your light output or quality by doing that usually. And screw if your buddies think you are flashing them, tell them to get used to the fact that your shit has projector lenses and to not freak out all the time. And if any of the people you ride with KNOW bikes, then they SHOULD know that your bike, having projector lights, is going to "Flash", lol, I mean come on. You can continue to try and remedy the situation, but I can guarantee you are going to get nowhere. Glad I could help..