Everything posted by R1 joy rider
Cleaning Rusted Headers
Hi you could just use a grinder with a wire brush wheel fitted and then spray them with some exhaust paint what ever you do paint wise it wont last long as the heat the down pipes are under is a lot or buy a stainless system.??? Hope this helps . Thanks R1 joy rider
will these carbs work well on a R1 keihin fcr39
Will do thanks for your time !
will these carbs work well on a R1 keihin fcr39
Hi thanks for your reply . Im going to use it for both some track days and road use to i think the guy nos his stuff as he talks a good game some friends of mine have used him and say hes vary good so will have to wait and see just hope it goes well!! Thanks .
will these carbs work well on a R1 keihin fcr39
Hi all i have a guy that is tuning my bike at the mo and hes got a set of keihin fcr39 R1 carbs that he said will fit and ive also go a QB carbon air box to go on as well will this all work and how good will it be ANY ONE NO ??? Thanks R1 joy rider
Electrical Fault finding
Hi bud ye if you no which wires are gone then as a fast fix you can just run new wires in but make sure that no other wires are getting mashed .If you wont a proper job trace the fault first and then put new part in and solder and heat shrink is the best way and the re-tape the loom .Whats it doing anyway is ti blowing fuses ? Thanks joy rider.
Electrical Fault finding
Hi im an auto electrician and when i need to find a fault in a wire i have tool that sends a signal down the wire and a box that pics the signal up so you can chase it in the loom my one is a snap on one but you can buy a cheap one from seley tools i think its the same . Also check all your earth point are good and spray the connectors whit a good electrical spry. Hope this helps . Shaun
2001 R1 fairing will it fit a 1999 R1
Hi all can you help will the full fairing and lights off a 2001R1 fit a 1999 . Thanks for the help . Shaun
R1 2001 fairing will it fit a 1999 R1
Hi dose any one no if a full fairing and lights from a R1 2001 will fit a 1999 R1 Any help will be good. Thanks shaun