Everything posted by wayno
Anyway to unrestrict YBR125?
The only thing you can really do is buy an old 2 stroke 125, they're nice and easy to de-restrict, Or spend a million pounds doing your test and get something bigger (Can you tell I'm glad I did mine years ago when it was cheap )
Damn bikes!!
Well, I got home last night and it's definitely the fuel pump/tank seal that's leaking. Got a price from my local dealer and the seal is £29 inc VAT, now that's a shock, a good shock. I got my original price from the OEM parts website, and who'd have thought yamaha main dealer would be cheaper, not me that's for sure. Unfortunately the seal is not a stock item so looks like the bike's going to be off the road till the middle of next week, I hope it pisses down all weekend!! With a bit of luck M&P may deliver my braided hoses today which means I can swap my calipers for the lovely blue spot ones I have whilst the bike's in several bits. I'm feeling a bit better about the bike today, yesterday I was ready to cancel the insurance then push it up and down the road so the police could crush it. P.S. Wild foamy, it's not a plain gasket it's a bit thick rubber seal, I had the same initial thought as you
Damn bikes!!
I was wondering if it could be a hose or joint, I'll have to wait and see when I get home where's wet, it the tank's not wet I'll know it's the hose or joints. I just hope the tank's still there when I get home, it's sat on a bucket in the back garage.
Damn bikes!!
I meant the tank overflow, I was hoping i'd overfilled the tank, alas not. It's the gasket sealing the fuel pump to the tank that's pissing fuel, sod's law it's not the £2 o'ring, it'll be the £50+ top gasket. I've dried the bottom of the tank off and sat it over a bukcet, I'll check where's wet when I get home from work
Damn bikes!!
Well on the plus side it's not the carbs overfilling, on the minus side it's not coming out of the overflow
Damn bikes!!
With the price of petrol the way it is I should stick a bucket under the bike and collect it. I'm going to investigate further when I get home (figures crossed it'll have miraculousy healed itself today)
Damn bikes!!
Got home from work last night, went out the back for a quick fag and thought, hmmm that's funny I can smell petrol. I went to investigate (still with a lit fag hanging out of my mouth, like an eeejit) and sure enough there's a nice little 6" wet patch under the FZR. Of course, me being the typical bloke I am, thought, oh well, I filled her up at the petrol station just before I got in on Monday night, I must've stuck a bit much in, upon waking up this morning as high as a kite from breathing petrol fumes all night I think to myself maybe I'd better check see how my overflow is doing, only to be greeted by an 8" wet patch, and the impending thought of doom at having to strip down the carbs to clear the blockage. I'm now sat at work like a schizoprenic, half of me thinking 'damn you fool, why the hell didn't you just buy a honda, they never go wrong (even though they're completely soulless, lifeless objects, except for the blade of course)' with the other half blissfully thinking, it'll be ok, there's just loads too much in the tank, it'lll stop overflowing soon (I know this not too be true because I checked the tank this morning and it's just got the normal amount in) Don't know where I'm going with this but I hope everyone has a good day
50 MPH limit to start next year !!
This has been done across half of Buckinghamshire anyway. It's so annoying, whereas people were happy to go at 60 down these roads when it was national, they've now stuck 50 signs everywhere and for some reason everyone insists on doing 45, it's ruined my drive to work. F%$&ing government
Nodding bikers?
I've been riding 16 years and I always nod any biker (even L's) as long as they're not on a scooter (bloody things). I'm sure that when I started riding everyone nodded to each other, it seems to be less people doing it now though. I still nod though and try to force one from them
R1 Brake Calipers on YZF750 forks?
As far as I know they do fit, but you have to machine a circular clearance in the fork leg to take the round shape (where the pistons sit). If you can find a close up pic of an FZR600R 94/95 model you will see the clearance I mena as these already have them. So in short it's not a straight bolt on. I don't have a YZF, but I'm 99% sure this is correct, hopefully someone can confirm one way or the other
1992 FZR 1000 Brake Calipers
Really can't remember to be honest mate. Try finding a manual or patts list on here, they're foreign but might help http://www.blackbears.ru/index_en.php?get=manual
1992 FZR 1000 Brake Calipers
Don't quote me on this but I'm sure that somewhere in the dark depths of my mind my old TZR125 had similar retaining pins, the was a 1992 model. Sorry I can't be any more positive.
Blue spot calipers on rear of FZR600R
The calipers mount above the disc on the FZR so I'll have to check it out with a rule and a keen eye Thanks for the pic though, they do look good
Blue spot calipers on rear of FZR600R
No pictures?? That sucks Oh well, if there's filing to be done I'll just stick with the original, I'm only thinking about it for cosmetic reasons anyway. Cheers for the reply though
Blue spot calipers on rear of FZR600R
I've got myself a set of blue spot calipers to go on the front of my FZR600R and was wondering if the rear blue spot will fit too. I know there's no need to change it but I would like a matching set of calipers if they're an easy fit. Also I went into my local Yamaha dealer at the weekend to see how much a seal kit for the front R1 calipers was and nearly shat myself when I was told it was £100 for 8 rubber seals (robbing scumbags). If anyone else is reading this and needs some go to www.wemoto.com they do them for £30. They are obviously pattern parts and I've not used them so don't hunt me down and kick me in the nuts if they're no good, just trying to help out
my 95 fzr600r
Looks tip top condition mate
- My FZR600R
My FZR600R
Finally got a picture of my bike on this computer, so here it is. Had it since before Christmas, got plenty to do on it before the sun comes out for real. Blue spot calipers, powder coat the swingarm (rust eating it's way out of every weld), Purple, non double bubble screen, Strip and service of the carbs New rear BT014 Fairing and screen bolt kit to replace the cheese that Yamaha insist on supplying Couldn't get this thing to work, so here's a link to my bike anyhow http://i599.photobucket.com/albums/tt76/wa...pg?t=1235667546
I've tried adding it through photobucket and the forum now gives me a message "Sorry, dynamic pages in the tags are not allowed" Any ideas? Sod it, I'll just add a link, sorry folks
Oh right, I thought it might be something like that, I was trying to upload them straight from my PC. Cheers mate
Can someone tell me how to insert pictures from my computer, finally got one of my bike on this computer and I'd like to post Cheers
My FZR400 Project
How come you've sprayed the rear fairing and subframe? Have you decided against the R1 rear seat. Looking good either way though
My FZR600 Gen Project
How's it going squish? It's gone very quiet
My FZR400 Project
That looks a pucker job!! £250 you say? Stick with it, there'll be loads more grief but it'll be a peach when she's finished
My FZR400 Project
Hiya mate, if you're still after an engine I've seen a frame, engine and subframe for a 600 on flea bay (item number 110355669685), I'm not sure if it's any interest or even close to you but thought let you know anyway