Everything posted by thunderass
So how was your weekend?
Not fair, not fair, not fair!
Bums On Bikes Rally?
I have an idea and would like some feedback please. Like alot of you im sure i am and have been following various rallies - Dakar, North Africa etc, and the usual Bullrun, Gumball etc. The cost to participate is mind blowing to the average person. My idea is to hold a rally for bikes, covering a large portion of Western Europe, totally Un-official, proberly totally illegal, but all in the name of fun. Basic rules - No Sat Navs, maps only and all have the same. Destination only. No motorways, no toll roads only minor roads only and set for maybe a week or two, oh yes camping only! Just a group of fellow bikers with a mission - to set off at individual times to get to various places, maybe collect something that is distinguished to that place, anything but a postcard. A prize maybe - everyone puts a tenner into a kitty, obviously the more taking part the bigger the kitty and half of that goes to a worthwile charity chosen by the winner with the shortest time and the most outrageous items. The only costs would be the norm if you were touring Europe. The idea is to keep it cheap yet fullfilling! Or maybe something like this could be set up in this country as a taster - start things off small and progress. Or maybe someone already does something like this, would be great to know - how to join in etc. This all came to me while watchig the Dakar. So, there is my idea. It could start off as a regular meet, then navigate into a national rally (race isnt quite the idea - most of us still need to keep a clean license). Please give it some thought and pass on some ideas - could be fun. Thanks Ps I thought the name 'Bums On Bikes' had a certain ring to it! Thunderass
Whats Happening?
Happy New Year 2007 - Whats going on. Anyone got any good plans for ride outs or meets this year? Let us know. Cheers and a safe year to you all. Thunderass
Moon Rally 2006
When is the next Rally please. Need to get it booked in asap. Cheers. Thunderass
Weekend Meets.
How about a club meet - alot of prep, any offers. Would be nice to meet. As the wise man said whilst sitting on top of a mountain:- "ROOOOOAAAAAD TRRRRRIIIIIIIP!"
European Ride 2007
Damo Depending on how long you want to spend on 'some of the finest, smooooothest and damned fine ,roads in Europe, but i can highly suggest and i know many will agree - yes the N85 The Route Napolean. From Grenoble in SW France to Nice. Fast/slow sweeping bends awsome views and passes through mountains. Or like my first adventure me and a friend started at Dover across to Calais then covered France, Switzland, Austria, Germany, Holland and Belgium in 11 days. Covering the likes of the Furka Pass, Grimsel pass, mamouth amounts of mountain passes and lakes. Oh yes, we stopped off at the Nurburgring on route to Holland. All this and we covered just short of 2000miles! We done this in August 2005 - 11months after i passed my test!( I was on an F650 Funduro on this trip - broke down every morning without fail(Damp) Or last year as it is now 2007 - we decided to tour France taking in the N85, Nice, Monte Carlo, Cannes and the Cote de azure. The roads twist and turn with fantastic views. Cost wise - apart from servicing my bike (2000 Thundercat) including ferry (see the site for Speed Ferries Dover to Bolougne cheap cat crossings - best service i have ever had), first night hotel usually a holiday inn sought of thing £25 quid sharing and breaky average 7euros. After that its camping all the way unless you find a B+B or nice hotel at a good price. Petrol is cheaper good on me Cat as i can easily see 220+miles before the light comes on. Anyway - i need to point out that we didn't use any toll roads at all, so no toll fees and cruised at an average 60mph(dull to some i know, but this way you get to see the places where you are not just a warp speed blur!) Right - er, oh yes camping is cheap Switzland was the dearest at around £15 a night, but all the facilities were free (showers, toilets etc) All the sites we stayed at were great with good site facilities and resturants. So - if you want to set a budget i took €300. This covered everything except petrol which i put on VISA and this didnt even come to over £100. And i still had change to get duty free on the way home. If you want a more detailed route idea please mail me at [email protected] and i will be happy to suggest some ideas - from what i have done! The one key point i would personnaly suggest - dont bother with a Sat Nav - Take a map and a phrase book. We got lost on several occasions and with only the knoledge of the languages i did at school, we got by and it was fun. You get to see other roads and sites that you would not have if you stuck to a Sat Nav. One thing i noticed was that if you make an effort to speak the language of that country they show you more respect and are a lot more helpful. Apart from the above - DO NOT FORGET - RIDE ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE ROAD. My mate forgot when pulling out of a petrol station in Vesoul france much to my amusement, but not to the cars approaching, some how i dont think they would have appreciated a Honda hood ornament! This year we have not decided what to do - yet. Maybe the Swiss alps again - never a dull moment. Or go down to Spain, not done that yet, as mad as it may seem but i fancy Prague or Russia! Anyway - good luck and please ask for any further ideas or advice. Thunderass
Bright lights.
Thanks for the advice. Brighter bulbs it is then. Maybe a shade of blue? Thunderass.
Bright lights.
Just a quickie. While tinkering with me cat i had to change three of the dash lights. I changed two with 12v 1.7w lamps and fitted a 5w one by mistake. Although the 5w is brighter and much better, will the do any damage being a higher wattage? Thanks Thunderass.
A Whirling noise?.
Thanks for the replies. I checked both sprockets and chain for correct tensions. All these parts i renewed three weeks ago. They are well lubed with scottoil, i can spin the rear wheel freely on a stand and the engine sounds sweet when idle or reving. As soon as i speed up the noise starts. Then as i slow it reduces? Can this be run in or has anyoen else had faulty sprokets or something. The parts are all OE. Thanks Be safe. Thunderass Ps The gears change nice and smooth.
A Whirling noise?.
Yamahead. Thanks for the reply. I can close the clutch and free wheel down hill and the noise stops. It only occurs when the throttle is open. Today though it was worse and i was also getting vibrations through my feet. This was on a motorway. Any thoughts? Thanks Paul.
Its Christmas!
Yep, its here again. Cold and wet, ice and frost. Time to put the bikes under raps. WHAT. NO WAY! Does anyone know of any chrimbo get togethers or charity runs. I would be interested to know. Cheers and Merry Christmas to you all. Be Safe! Paul.
A Whirling noise?.
Hi all. Merry Christmas. Help please. I fitted a new chain and sprockets to my Thundercat two weeks ago and i am now getting a whirling noise as i throttle up. I have checked chain tension and used a tape measure to make sure the rear wheel is spaced correctly , so is aligned with the front. Is this normal with new chain fitments and will it wear away or am i missing something. Any help would be most welcome as i am now pulling my roots out as i have run out of hair! Many thanks Paul aka Thunderass.
Restricted Thundercat
beezkneeze thanks for replying - i have checked the carbs and there are no washers, the certificate supplied by the installers has no details of hows or whats fitted. i know the bike is restricted because when i open up the throttle i get to 95/98mph and it sounds as though it is at max revs although only showing 7000rpm. Any other ways it can be restricted? Thanks
Weekend Meets.
Hi all. Im new to the forum. Just bought myself my first proper bike - Yamaha Thundercat. Wow - what a bike. Can anyone tell me if there are any decent weekend meets coming up. Be nice to meet up with other 'Cats'. Cheers.
Restricted Thundercat
hi all. i just bought my first 'proper' bike - Thundercat. I used to ride one of those thumping beemers. I couldn't belive how hard it was to find a good forum for Yamys. So- hi and help. My cat's been given a choker or restrictior. Can any one help please to make my cat breave properly. Also - are there any rideouts or cafe meets in the pipeline. Thanks. Ps- wow what a bike!