Everything posted by casper954
project mt-03
here is a before & after photo of my mt-03 before after
Paint job query
Hi Mate if you are wondering how your bike will look with a larger than normal tunning fork/yamaha emblem on it, have a look at my mt-03 which i have just put back together. Like you i came up with the idea and Colin my painter did all the work,here is a like to his website.
MT-03 winter project completed
hi guys not been arround for a while , as you can see with the photo's attached ive been busy pimping my MT-03 every part of the bike has been re-painted
hi i have both machines an MT-01 which i pulled appart last winter and did this to it i have to be honest here ,the 01 is the best bike i have ever owned in my 28 years of being able to ride a bike, here is a picture of my 01 the day i picked it up this winter i have plans for my 03 ,at the moment it looks like this
My FZ1s
by using these guys if you have a photobucket account this will allow you to post pictures like i just did.
My new MT03
Welcome to the world of the MT i own an 01,best bike i have ever owned if you want to find out more within the world of the MT visit www.mt-owners-club.org.uk alex
My new MT03
Welcome to the world of the MT i own an 01,best bike i have ever owned if you want to find out more within the world of the MT visit www.mt-owners-club.org.uk alex
my mt-01
hi ziggy i have a tank bag fitted to my bike as shown in photo, i will look out the invoice and forward the company details on to you . it fits onto a mount attached to the fuel cap screws,can be removed in seconds they come in all different sizes,i picked the small one as it holds the mp3 recorder attached to the video camera built into the air scoop they come in all different sizes,i picked the small one as it holds the mp3 recorder attached to the video camera built into the air scoop
very nice machine Outkast i owned an xjr1200 and a xjr 1300sp,quality machine, alex
my mt-01
hi guys i joined here in November,hadn't had a chance to post a photo of my Bike. previous Yamaha's ive owned xj550 xjr 1200 xjr 1300sp fzr 400rr track bike fazer 1000 i pulled it appart over the winter to have it all painted. this photo was taken the day i picked it up the finished result after a serious amount of work
My New MT-03 :D
Welcome to the World of the MT,i have an 01 which i have just finished re-building after pulling it appart over the winter to get it painted. If you are looking for any information on the 03 visit www.mt-owners-club.org.uk