Everything posted by dan holloway
Prats on a dirt bike
some guys do tht on a scooter down by me. what cocks!!
tw 125 rear suspenion
theTW125 has just had a safty recall on the rear suspension on theyears 1999-2000 if your tw is manufactured about that year go to your local dealer and get your bike checked in case your bike falls into that range.
my bike
wooo i can use my new bike i used it for the first time on thursday. I love it. i got my test soon i can't wait.
77 DT100 blowing bulbs
we do have history here. some have the rectifier in together that could be why it doesn't list it and is why someone may say rectifier regulater as some bikes have it in one unit.
2001 R6 Starting Problem!? PLEASE HELP!!!!!
is it turning over when you try to start it? have you got a spark? to test this you take the plug output it in the plug cap hold it by the cap and hold it against the engine and see if you get a spark you can do that with all of them. let me know the answer to these questions.
77 DT100 blowing bulbs
this headlamp usually is affected by other lights when the battery is low. the bulb will keep blow as it sounds like you need a new rectifier that is what is usually the problem in that case. if you want to test it start the bike put a multimeter across the battery and set it to 20v and pick up the revs it should be about 14 if it is below the rectifier needs replacing. if it is above 16 it needs replacing and the battery needs replacing. by the sound of how old the battery is i'm surprised the battery is still going it would't hurt to get a new one anyway. hope this helps
Xj600N battery drain problem!
if you run the bike and out a mutlimeter across the battery set on 20v pick up the revs and you need about 14 if it is less it is not charging and you need a new regulator/rectifier. i think that if it is 16 or more it is over charging and will also need replacing. hope this helps.
stupid or just stupid
he really deserved that what acomplete knob.
well done on passing and that is a great bike.
Aerox throttle problem
what exactly happened did it stick open or did you loss power what happened? need more info.
i passed
well done. it looks good and is a good bike the only thing i don't like is that it is a dry sump. make sure to check the oil daily. i work a yamaha dealer and had someone come in and sai that it is stupid that you need to check it so often it is laughable. it you didn't guess it ran out of oil. have a great time with your new bike.
TW125 - Does anybody make an aftermarket exhaust ?
there is an aftermarcket exhaust but i a sure it is not road legel and most of the time afermarket exhauts cause the bike to t worse not better. Yamah spent alot of money and time in developing their bike and it is made to work with wot is on it. aftermarket stuff is not always right and can mess up its running and it will take alot of money and time to get it working right with the aftermarket exhaust.
TW125 - Headlight..?
i have recntly looked at a square one come i liked it to but it looks like you need to get a new braket or it too as it clean holds more.