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Everything posted by choppernorgate

  1. gona buy one so i can jpin nnnnnot
  2. type in bitzforbike verry good priceies
  3. NOROX hi welcome 2 the club ive got xj1300 08 and mine did the same thing i changed the iol to a semi synthtic one has inproved it good luck
  4. it can b a simple thing empty the tank fill with fresh 2strock some 1 mite have played with it try it u mite b surprised good luck
  5. if you dont filter thay will tell u get a car if there are more than 8car at the lights and you have room the filter through st just behind the first car your instuctor should tell u all this if he does not then hes no good but do ask best of luck to u
  6. thats nice id use it & sow on ones to
  7. choppernorgate


    if its somthing u wont to look the dogs b...lks then give a good going with autosolve take a long time but end result the alloy will look like a mirror good lucy
  8. i paid £599 but was fortunate to have a grate instructor and a grate team of blokes few of my m8s had hard time said got treated like nobodys so its good to go to the place an enquire and you get to see the people your self good luck
  9. choppernorgate


    From the album: my bikes

  10. the horn on my xjr1300 08 is nice n loud it came standerd
  11. i cant down load photos in my site it say,s not aloud to can anyone help ive paid my £5er
  12. was told synthitic oil clogs up eney tips
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